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The Principles of Generality and Equality in Municipal Tax Regulations and Their Infringement of Tax Ordinances

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The Principles of Generality and Equality in Municipal Tax Regulations and Their Infringement of Tax Ordinances

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Hernández-Guijarro, F. (2020). The Principles of Generality and Equality in Municipal Tax Regulations and Their Infringement of Tax Ordinances. Journal of Applied Business and Economics. 22(6):140-150. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/171215

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Title: The Principles of Generality and Equality in Municipal Tax Regulations and Their Infringement of Tax Ordinances
Author: Hernández-Guijarro, Fernando
UPV Unit: Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Economía y Ciencias Sociales - Departament d'Economia i Ciències Socials
Issued date:
[EN] The constitutional principles of Financial and Taxation Law provide the framework and legal structure in which the different tax regulations must coexist. The principles of generality and equality are a clear example ...[+]
Subjects: Generality , Equality , Municipality , Tax ordinance
Copyrigths: Cerrado
Journal of Applied Business and Economics. (issn: 1499-691X )
North American Business Press
Publisher version: https://nabpress.com/applied-business-and-economics
Type: Artículo



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