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The new entrance to the Cami d'Onda Air-raid Shelter in the historic center of Borriana, Spain

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The new entrance to the Cami d'Onda Air-raid Shelter in the historic center of Borriana, Spain

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Cabrera Fausto, I.; Fenollosa Forner, EJ.; Serrano Lanzarote, AB. (2020). The new entrance to the Cami d'Onda Air-raid Shelter in the historic center of Borriana, Spain. Techne: journal of technology for architecture and environment. 19:290-297. https://doi.org/10.13128/techne-7790

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Title: The new entrance to the Cami d'Onda Air-raid Shelter in the historic center of Borriana, Spain
Secondary Title: Il nuovo ingresso al Rifugio Antiaereo del Camí d¿Onda nel centro storico di Borriana, Spagna
Author: Cabrera Fausto, Ivan Fenollosa Forner, Ernesto Jesús Serrano Lanzarote, Apolonia Begoña
UPV Unit: Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Mecánica de los Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras - Departament de Mecànica dels Medis Continus i Teoria d'Estructures
Issued date:
[EN] The Spanish Civil War was the first military conflict with air raids used against the civilian population. Franco¿s subsequent dictatorship neglected these infrastructures and most of them were destroyed or buried. ...[+]

[IT] La guerra civile spagnola fu il primo conflitto militare con incursioni aeree usate contro la popolazione civile. La successiva dittatura trascurò queste infrastrutture e molte furono distrutte o sepolte. Oggi molti ...[+]
Subjects: Guerra civile spagnola , Rifugio antiaereo , Ingresso , Panca , Spazio pubblico , Spanish Civil War , Air-raid shelter , Entrance , Bench , Public space
Copyrigths: Reconocimiento (by)
Techne: journal of technology for architecture and environment. (eissn: 2239-0243 )
DOI: 10.13128/techne-7790
Firenze University Press
Publisher version: https://doi.org/10.13128/techne-7790
Type: Artículo



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