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B-Learning and Technology: Enablers for University Education Resilience. An Experience Case under COVID-19 in Spain

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B-Learning and Technology: Enablers for University Education Resilience. An Experience Case under COVID-19 in Spain

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dc.contributor.author Sánchez Ruiz, Luis Manuel es_ES
dc.contributor.author Moll López, Santiago Emmanuel es_ES
dc.contributor.author Moraño Fernández, José Antonio es_ES
dc.contributor.author LLobregat-Gomez, N. es_ES
dc.date.accessioned 2022-04-05T06:28:09Z
dc.date.available 2022-04-05T06:28:09Z
dc.date.issued 2021-03 es_ES
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10251/181742
dc.description.abstract [EN] Innovative teaching methodologies begat blended learning, which seems to facilitate engineering students' achievement of competencies required for the 21st century and has proven to be essential to keep quality standards as university education has suffered the COVID-19 pandemic. In this paper, we approach the use of b-learning and digital technologies before the pandemic started, and how it worked like a vaccine, enabling university education resilience and facilitating the sustainability of the students learning process. A questionnaire-based study is presented, in which the data came from Aerospace Engineering students following a Mathematics subject in a Technological University in Spain. ANOVA and ANCOVA analysis provided a significant difference in the appreciation of the adaptation based on the prior application of b-learning methodologies or more traditional methodologies. Results obtained indicated that the use of digital resources and educational platforms caused a noticeable change in the students' way of learning, improving habits and digital skills. es_ES
dc.language Inglés es_ES
dc.publisher MDPI AG es_ES
dc.relation.ispartof Sustainability es_ES
dc.rights Reconocimiento (by) es_ES
dc.subject B-learning es_ES
dc.subject Educational platform es_ES
dc.subject Pandemic resilience es_ES
dc.subject Education sustainability es_ES
dc.subject.classification FILOLOGIA INGLESA es_ES
dc.subject.classification MATEMATICA APLICADA es_ES
dc.title B-Learning and Technology: Enablers for University Education Resilience. An Experience Case under COVID-19 in Spain es_ES
dc.type Artículo es_ES
dc.identifier.doi 10.3390/su13063532 es_ES
dc.rights.accessRights Abierto es_ES
dc.contributor.affiliation Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada - Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada es_ES
dc.contributor.affiliation Universitat Politècnica de València. Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada - Departament de Lingüística Aplicada es_ES
dc.description.bibliographicCitation Sánchez Ruiz, LM.; Moll López, SE.; Moraño Fernández, JA.; Llobregat-Gomez, N. (2021). B-Learning and Technology: Enablers for University Education Resilience. An Experience Case under COVID-19 in Spain. Sustainability. 13(6):1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13063532 es_ES
dc.description.accrualMethod S es_ES
dc.relation.publisherversion https://doi.org/10.3390/su13063532 es_ES
dc.description.upvformatpinicio 1 es_ES
dc.description.upvformatpfin 22 es_ES
dc.type.version info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion es_ES
dc.description.volume 13 es_ES
dc.description.issue 6 es_ES
dc.identifier.eissn 2071-1050 es_ES
dc.relation.pasarela S\431166 es_ES
dc.subject.ods 04.- Garantizar una educación de calidad inclusiva y equitativa, y promover las oportunidades de aprendizaje permanente para todos es_ES
dc.subject.ods 09.- Desarrollar infraestructuras resilientes, promover la industrialización inclusiva y sostenible, y fomentar la innovación es_ES
upv.costeAPC 1541,37 es_ES

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