[EN] The hardware realization of Universal Filtered Multi Carrier (UFMC) architecture has attracted significant attention in fifth generation (5G) and beyond. In addition to the flexibility in fast Fourier transform ...[+]
[EN] The hardware realization of Universal Filtered Multi Carrier (UFMC) architecture has attracted significant attention in fifth generation (5G) and beyond. In addition to the flexibility in fast Fourier transform (FFT)-length, a flexible prototype filter in combination with multiplicative complex spectrum shifting co-efficients is required for realizing flexible UFMC architecture. The existing architectures of UFMC transmitter commonly adopted fixed-size FFT-length, number of subbands, subband size, and filter-length. Moreover, the lack of flexible prototype filter and spectrum localization of filter co-efficients to individual subbands limits the flexible UFMC system design. In this paper, we propose VLSI architecture for a flexible length prototype filter that can generate spectrally shifted filter co-efficients to individual subbands in tune with the changing value of FFT-length, number of subbands, subband size, and filter-length. For 16-bit word size architecture, our proposed design produces filter co-efficients and spectrum shifting co-efficients upto length, 2(15). Thus, any desired combination of FFT-length, number of subbands, subband size and filter-length is selected to generate the filter co-efficients for the individual subbands. Moreover, complex multiplication and addition operations are reduced in proposed architecture, quantitatively, about 58.81% reduction in filtering unit is achieved over the state-of-the-art architecture. Finally, hardware implementation output and XILINX post route simulation result matches perfectly with MATLAB simulations.
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