[ES] Este trabajo se centrará en el análisis y la mejora de procesos mediante la implantación de un sistema ERP en la empresa Eniter S.A. El objetivo principal será identificar y evaluar los procesos actuales de la empresa, ...[+]
[ES] Este trabajo se centrará en el análisis y la mejora de procesos mediante la implantación de un sistema ERP en la empresa Eniter S.A. El objetivo principal será identificar y evaluar los procesos actuales de la empresa, identificar áreas de mejora, y proponer soluciones efectivas a través de la implementación de un sistema ERP. Se realizará un análisis detallado de los procesos existentes utilizando diagramas de BPMN y técnicas como el Análisis Modal de Fallos y Efectos (AMFE) y el método Es/No es para la identificación de problemas y causas raíz. A continuación, se desarrollará un plan de mejora priorizando las oportunidades identificadas y se seleccionará la solución más adecuada mediante métodos de decisión multicriterio como el AHP. Finalmente, se diseñará e implementará la solución propuesta, evaluando los resultados obtenidos mediante indicadores de desempeño y comparándolos con la situación inicial. La planificación del proyecto se detallará utilizando diagramas de Gantt y se analizará el impacto económico de la implementación.
[EN] This project will focus on the analysis and improvement of processes through the implementation of an ERP system in the company Eniter S.A. The main objective will be to identify and evaluate the current processes of ...[+]
[EN] This project will focus on the analysis and improvement of processes through the implementation of an ERP system in the company Eniter S.A. The main objective will be to identify and evaluate the current processes of the company, identify areas for improvement, and propose effective solutions through the implementation of an ERP system. A detailed analysis of the existing processes will be carried out using BPMN diagrams and techniques such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and the Is/Is Not method for problem identification and root cause analysis. Subsequently, an improvement plan will be developed by prioritizing the identified opportunities and selecting the most suitable solution using multicriteria decision methods such as AHP. Finally, the proposed solution will be designed and implemented, evaluating the results obtained through performance indicators and comparing them with the initial situation. Project planning will be detailed using Gantt charts, and the economic impact of the implementation will be analyzed.
[CA] This project will focus on the analysis and improvement of processes through the implementation of an ERP system in the company Eniter S.A. The main objective will be to identify and evaluate the current processes of ...[+]
[CA] This project will focus on the analysis and improvement of processes through the implementation of an ERP system in the company Eniter S.A. The main objective will be to identify and evaluate the current processes of the company, identify areas for improvement, and propose effective solutions through the implementation of an ERP system. A detailed analysis of the existing processes will be carried out using BPMN diagrams and techniques such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) and the Is/Is Not method for problem identification and root cause analysis. Subsequently, an improvement plan will be developed by prioritizing the identified opportunities and selecting the most suitable solution using multicriteria decision methods such as AHP. Finally, the proposed solution will be designed and implemented, evaluating the results obtained through performance indicators and comparing them with the initial situation. Project planning will be detailed using Gantt charts, and the economic impact of the implementation will be analyzed.