ABSTRACT The agronomic behavior of the Bobal variety has been studied in this work, through the monitoring of its ripening in different agricultural conditions and with differentiated hydric contributions. Also several systems of evaluation of the anthocyanic and phenolic content in grapes have been tested, and the contents in the grapes with the final contents of the elaborated wines have been correlated. The maximum anthocyanic content is noticed twenty days after the veraison in all the plots. The youngest vineyard shows grapes of smaller size, lower pH, greater total acidity, greater tartaric and lower malic acid contents, lower content in sugars and anthocyanins and an intermediate level of phenolics. The vineyard located in the warmest area and with winter irrigation shows higer grape size, high values of pH, lower total acidity, lower tartaric and greater malic acid contents, intermediate in sugars and very low values in anthocyanins, phenolics and colour intensity. The most effective moment for the hydric contribution locates between the grapevine bud break and the veraison. A remarkable increase of the productivity and the weight of the grape with the irrigation is observed. Difference in the content in anthocyanins is noticed, diminishing as increases the dose of irrigation. It is not observed influence in sugars, total acidity, pH and tartaric acid contents. A diminution in the colour intensity is noticed. Wines with superior values of pH and malic acid are obtained. Wines with lower values of total acidity, tartaric acid, phenolics and colour intensity are obtained. The studied ripening indexes in grapes of Bobal show a very high variability and they are not correlated with any factor of the grapes or wines. The ethanol content and anthocyanin and phenolic contents are the factors that have more influence in the appreciation of the sensorial quality of Bobal red wines. In addition, wines with minor tartaric acid content and greater in malic acid are preferred.