SUMMARY The North Patagonian Region is the largest growing producing area of apples and pear of the Southern Hemisphere and also represents the main economic resources of the area The increasing cost of sanitary control, the incidence of key pest Codling moth (Cydia pomonella, L), the size of tree (between 4 and 6 m tall), weather conditions where prevail low humidity and high intensity winds, and the increasing environmental pressure whit regard to pesticide use, justify a study to badly improve the efficiency of pesticide applications. In modern pomology, the study of new sprayer design to optimize pesticide delivery to fruit crops is a must. The aim if this research where: 1) to study methodological approach to test orchards sprayers. 2) to compare the efficiency of application between a conventional air-carrier, axial-fan sprayer and a cross flow sprayer (whit 4 cross-flow fans) whit two volume rates, standard and 20 % reduced. The results clearly showed that the best performance was obtained with the cross flow sprayer. Generally speaking, it is apparent that the control of Codling moth is more difficult in the interior of the canopy than outside the canopy, as percent damage is near twofold. However under those conditions the cross flow sprayer showed and acceptable and uniform pesticide coverage inside the canopy and also at different tree height, (top, middle and bottom) At the highest rate, the microdistribution of the cross flow sprayer application was the most uniform in the canopy. The better spray distribution of the cross flow sprayer provided a good control of codling moths even at a reduced volume rate. The cross flow sprayer allows to reduce exodrift losses beyond the top of the trees between 5 and 8 fold. However the drawback was increased endodrift in the alleyways. New methodological approaches are discussed in relation to spray application evaluations. Key Words: Orchard sprayer; Air-carrier sprayer; cross flow sprayer; Cydia pomonella (L.); Malus domestica, Borkh