In a database system, the change in the real world is modeled through the execution of transactions that change a user to generate another state that represents the new situation. This new state can violate the integrity of the scheme of restrictions, restrictions which are the properties of that world. The most frequent reaction of database systems to the violation of integrity consistent in rejecting the compromise that has resulted, returning the database to the state before their execution. This solution is so simple, however, usually unsatisfactory for real systems. An alternative to this behavior is that the system modify the inconsistent state so as to repair the violation caused by the user transaction respetanto the changes proposed by it. It said then that the system has restored the consistency of the database. This thesis has proposed a method for restoring consistency in relational databases with a view (or Deductive databases) that uses the language of the rules of an active system. Thus the set of integrity constraints and deductive set of rules of the scheme, the method generates a set of business rules that restores the consistency of the database when, as a result of the execution of a user transaction is has resulted in the violation of any restrictions. These rules are called rules restorative.