English abstract of the thesis Title: The metric and trace in the church of San Juan del Hospital in Valencia Author: JORGE GARCIA VALLDECABRES. Architect Director: FELIPE SOLER SANZ. Doctor Architect Co-director: CONCEPTION LOPEZ GONZALEZ Doctor Architect This thesis studies how throughout the history of architecture designers chose a path controller and applied according to program needs and constraints of the site. Choosing among the alternatives presented geometry, for the most suitable in each case as a means of design. The thesis is built around two large groups: The rising graph of the well and analysis of its parts through the instruments of representation. The metric control of architectural form in order for the enhancement of the factories, provide their knowledge, their interpretation, and act as a guide to define the criteria of the process of recovery and conservation. Applying the study to the church of San Juan. Concluding that the path model used as a generative principle of the composition of the temple corresponds with the geometry of octograma, along with the proportional system associated with the number of silver, and that would be repeated in many churches.