[EN] The development and mechanical characterization of a CoCr-based multiple-principal-element alloy are presented and discussed. In this work, ab initio synthesis and mechanical characterization of the (CoCr)100-x(TiNbZr)x ...
[EN] This study discussed the effect of the heterogeneous microstructure generated through the Repetitive Corrugation and Straightening (RCS) process on the mechanical and stress corrosion cracking behavior of the AA7075. ...
[EN] Although the current field of application of Alealloy 7075 (AA7075) is vast, it is still limited due to some drawbacks, especially due to its susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking (SCC). This work aims to evaluate ...
González, G.; Aligia, D.; Pezzani, C.; De Angelo, C.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-09-30)
[ES] En este trabajo se propone un observador para estimar el par efectuado por un ciclista en el eje trasero de una bicicleta eléctrica cuya información es utilizada para aplicar una estrategia de asistencia al pedaleo ...
Romero-Resendiz, L.; Hernández, M.; Cabrera, J.M.; Elizalde, S.; Amigó, Vicente; Figueroa, I.A.; Covelo, A.; González, G.(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2022-06)
[EN] Anti-corrosion susceptibility is one of the top criteria for selecting metallic materials for several industrial applications. This work studies the corrosion performance of an Al-7075 alloy obtained by repetitive ...