[EN] In this work we study through differential equations systems several models of natural behaviour between animals into a comun ecosystem. Finally, we show a wide collection of examples in order to point out the biological ...
[EN] In this article we provide a method in order to generate some numeric inequalities from a special sort of functions f which satisfy identities containing the terms f(x-y), f(x) and f(y), like exponential and trigonometric ...
Cortés López, Juan Carlos; Navarro Quiles, Ana; Sánchez Sánchez, Almudena; Calbo Sanjuán, Gema(Sociedad Puig Adam de Profesores de Matemáticas, 2016-04)
[ES] En este trabajo se presenta una sencilla metodología para
introducir algunas funciones de distribución de probabilidad
de variables aleatorias continuas estándar como soluciones de
ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias. ...
[ES] El trabajo que hemos desarrollado en este artículo es un estudio de un método histórico desarrollado por Descartes para calcular la recta normal a una curva, y que puede ser aprovechado para calcular derivadas puntuales ...
Se estudia un método basado en la interpretación geométrica de la integral definida de una función y de su inversa para generar desigualdades en dos variables. Se plantea un modelo de trabajo-investigación dirigido por el ...
[ES] En este trabajo proponemos un método distinto al usual para deducir
dos de los principales infinitésimos equivalentes. La riqueza del método estriba en que obtenemos los mencionados resultados analíticos a
partir de ...
Calbo Sanjuán, Gema(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2010-11-02)
El objetivo de este proyecto de tesis doctoral es el desarrollo de técnicas analítico-numéricas para resolver, en media cuadrática problemas, de valores iniciales de ecuaciones y sistemas de ecuaciones en diferencias y ...
[EN] In this article we give a new formulation and proof of the well-known integral criterion to study the carácter of a numerical series which terms are
positives. This new approach is more intuitive because it allows to ...
Calbo Sanjuán, Gema; Cortés López, Juan Carlos; Jódar Sánchez, Lucas Antonio(Elsevier, 2011-12-01)
This paper deals with the construction of random power series solution of second order linear differential equations of Hermite containing uncertainty through its coefficients and initial conditions. Under appropriate ...
[EN] We propose a different approach to standard way in order to study several selected aspects of metric geometry in three dimensions, which are developed in the course 2º B.C.N. We think that the study we propose is ...
[EN] In this article we study a method that belongs to Monte-Carlo procedures in order to evaluate definide integrals. In particular, we point out through several examples, some computational drawbacks that can appear in ...
[EN] In this article we study a method that belongs to Monte-Carlo procedures in order to evaluate definide integrals in several dimensions. We compare the results with the geometric Monte-Carlo method.
[EN] In this article we show a statistics method in order to evaluate definide in-tegrals. This method is called Monte-Carlo procedure. It is based upon geometrical interpretation of probability and it provides ...
[EN] In this article we study a interesting particularization of a method that belongs to Monte-Carlo procedures in order to evaluate definide integrals.
Several illustrative examples are included.
Calbo Sanjuán, Gema; Cortés López, Juan Carlos; Jódar Sánchez, Lucas Antonio; Villafuerte Altuzar, Laura(Elsevier, 2011-05)
In this paper we construct, by means of random power series, the solution of second order linear differential equations of Legendre-type containing uncertainty through its coefficients and initial conditions. By assuming ...
[EN] In this article we study a family of infinite games and its equilibrium characterization, in two different senses. The work is written
to be taken advantage directly in the classroom, because the study is realized ...
[ES] En este trabajo se estudia una modificación del método de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios
lineal, basada en la medición de las desviaciones en el mismo sentido que en geometría analítica plana se mide la distancia de un ...
[ES] En este trabajo se estudia una curiosa regla bancaria
poco conocida para determinar de forma aproximada el tiempo que
debe transcurrir para la multiplicación de un capital que se invierte
inicialmente a un interés ...