Juan, M.-Carmen; Alexandrescu, Lucian; Folguera, F.; García García, Inmaculada(Universidad de Barcelona Observatorio de Educación Digital, 2016)
[EN] Three-dimensional models are important when the learning content is difficult to acquire from 2D images or other traditional methods. This is the case for learning dental morphology. In this paper, we present a mobile ...
[EN] In this paper, we present a Multi Agent System aimed to support a user or a group of users on the planning of different leisure and tourist activities in a city. The system integrates agents that cooperate to dynamically ...
García García, Inmaculada; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura(Elsevier, 2014-03)
Over the last years, some remarkable recommender systems for group of users have been developed. When using most of these systems, each group member communicates his/her preferences to the system, which obtains a group ...
Juan, M.-Carmen; Charco, Jorge L.; García García, Inmaculada; Mollá Vayá, Ramón Pascual(Frontiers Media SA, 2019-06-20)
[EN] Healthy eating habits involve controlling your diet. It is important to know how to
interpret the nutritional information of the packaged foods that you consume. These
packaged foods are usually processed and contain ...
Calle -Bustos, Andrés Marcelo; Juan, M.-Carmen; García García, Inmaculada; Abad Cerdá, Francisco José(Public Library of Science, 2017)
[EN] Therapeutic education in diabetes helps patients take responsibility for self-control of their disease, and providing technological support systems facilitates this education. In this paper, we present an augmented ...
Morillo, Pedro; García García, Inmaculada; Orduña, Juan M.; Fernández, Marcos; Juan, M.-Carmen(Springer-Verlag, 2020-03)
[EN] Augmented Reality (AR) has become a mainstream technology in the development of solutions for repair and maintenance operations. Although most of the AR solutions are still limited to specific contexts in industry, ...
Crespo Tapia, Javier(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-05-13)
Este proyecto consiste en la creación de un entorno web como interfaz de un sistema de recomendación de rutas por la ciudad de Valencia. Este sistema de recomendación ha sido desarrollado por el Grupo de Tecnología Informática ...
Le Metayer Rodríguez, Arturo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-10-23)
[ES] El trabajo consistirá en el diseño y desarrollo de una aplicación para dispositivos móviles que facilitará el día a día de una empresa al permitir una gestión eficiente y sencilla de su inventario de productos y ...
Sebastiá Tarín, Laura; García García, Inmaculada; Onaindia de la Rivaherrera, Eva; Gúzman Álvarez, César Augusto(World Scientific Publishing, 2009-10)
e-Tourism is a tourist recommendation and planning application to assist users on the organization of a leisure and tourist agenda. First, a recommender system offers the user a list of the city places that are likely of ...
Juan Sampedro, Sara(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-06-01)
[EN] In this thesis the development of a tourist application for the city of Valencia is proposed, using mobile
The application will take into account the preferences of a user to recommend a list of places to ...
Tipantuña Toapanta, Giovanny Javier(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-02-13)
[EN] The interaction using gestures or gesture interaction allows interaction with applications through user s gestures. Since the appearance of Kinect numerous applications have been developed incorporating such interaction. ...
García García, Inmaculada; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura; Onaindia de la Rivaherrera, Eva(Elsevier, 2011-06)
[EN] This paper presents a recommender system for tourism based on the tastes of the users, their demographic classification and the places they have visited in former trips. The system is able to offer recommendations for ...
García García, Inmaculada; Pajares Ferrando, Sergio; Sebastiá Tarín, Laura; Onaindia de la Rivaherrera, Eva(Elsevier, 2012-04-15)
A key issue in group recommendation is how to combine the individual preferences of different users that form a group and elicit a profile that accurately reflects the tastes of all members in the group. Most Group Recommender ...
Gúzman Álvarez, César Augusto(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2011-10-20)
El presente trabajo consiste en la creación de un Sistema Recomendador que utiliza las técnicas de recomendación básicas más apropiadas al dominio y las une utilizando una técnica de recomendación híbrida mezclada.
Marín Galán, Andrés Vicente(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-09-06)
[ES] A la hora de realizar actividades de ocio, como ir al cine, los usuarios hacen uso cada vez en mayor medida de internet, con la esperanza de encontrar la información que les sea útil y de interés. Para ello, recorren ...
Martín San José, Juan Fernando; Juan Lizandra, María Carmen; Segui, Ignacio; García García, Inmaculada(Elsevier, 2015-09)
As new technologies have emerged in the last few years, the learning process has been changing. New
and powerful e-learning systems are being developed and new teaching methods can be used in
classrooms. In this paper, ...
[EN] Currently, it is possible to combine Mobile-Rendered Head-Mounted Displays (MR HMDs) with smartphones to have Augmented Reality platforms. The differences between these types of platforms can affect the user¿s experiences ...