[EN] The rapid spread of the SARSCoV-2 virus (COVID-19) in Spain caused a general lockdown of the
population at home for 44 days. Due to this, lecturers had to design new learning strategies, adapted to
the general ...
Rodrigo Gorris, Leonor(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-04-29)
El present estudi s’encarrega únicament d’avaluar la qualitat de les aigües de les fonts que no brollen de la xarxa a la Comarca de La Safor, i queda inclòs dins d’un projecte de major envergadura on s’avaluaran la qualitat ...
Muchas especies mediterráneas no tienen un apreciable desarrollo de la parte aérea en los primeros años de su vida, sin embargo el desarrollo del sistema radicular es considerable. Escasas publicaciones tratan este tema, ...
Fernández de Ángel, Inés(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-11-23)
Se sabe que existe un efecto a corto plazo de algunos contaminantes del aire sobre
ingresos cardiovasculares y respiratorios en áreas urbanas e industriales, aunque hay
escasos datos sobre áreas semirurales. El Trabajo ...
Molero-Alabau, Rubén; Soler Torro, Jose Manuel; Martínez Alzamora, Mª Nieves; Climent, Andreu M.; Guillem Sánchez, María Salud(Elsevier, 2021-12)
[EN] Background: Electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) allows evaluating the complexity of the reentrant activity of atrial fibrillation (AF) patients. In this study, we evaluated the ability of ECGI metrics to predict the ...
[ES] Aim: Evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention to incorporate group and community activities on a sustained basis in all the Basic Health Zones (ZBS) of a health area. Design: During January and February 2019, two ...
Egea-Ronda, Ana; Niclos-Esteve, Montserrat; Ródenas, Amparo; Verdeguer, Mariví; Cassetti, Viola; Herrero, Carlos; Soler Torro, Jose Manuel; Paredes-Carbonell, Joan J.(Elsevier, 2022-12-11)
[EN] Objective: To develop a theory of change of a program to promote physical activity in eleven health districts, in order to improve its design and plan its evaluation.
Method: Four focus groups were carried out, to ...