Ibáñez García, Ana(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-09-02)
[ES] En los últimos años, se ha incrementado la sensibilidad en torno a las cuestiones ambientales derivadas del uso de los materiales poliméricos basados en el petróleo y el impacto de éstos en el medio ambiente.
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[EN] In this study, binary blends of biodegradable polymers were prepared to improve the ductile properties of those that have a more rigid and/or brittle behaviour. Specifically, PLA, PHA and TPS were blended with different ...
[EN] This article is focused on studying the effect of the reprocessing cycles on the mechanical, thermal, and aesthetic properties of a biocomposite. This process is based on starch thermoplastic polymer (TPS) filled with ...
[EN] This article is focused on the development of a series of biodegradable and eco-friendly biocomposites based on starch polymer (Mater-Bi DI01A) filled with 30 wt % almond shell (AS) of different varieties (Desmayo ...