Percoco, Gianluca; Sánchez Salmerón, Antonio José(Springer Verlag (Germany), 2017-05)
[EN] In this report, the authors give a contribution to the study of the influence of inaccuracy of the shape and the position of calibration targets, on the accuracy of Photogrammetry in digitizing micro-features. In a ...
[EN] The goal of this research work is to improve the accuracy of human pose estimation using the deformation part model
without increasing computational complexity. First, the proposed method seeks to improve pose estimation ...
Sánchez Salmerón, Antonio José; Ricolfe Viala, Carlos(Springer Verlag (Germany), 2012-07)
Machine material handling is complicated in micromanufacturing since standards are not applied and existing handling systems are not flexible. Usually, machine handling systems are highly dependent of microcomponent ...
Navarro Moya, Francisco; Puchalt-Rodríguez, Joan Carles; Layana-Castro, Pablo Emmanuel; García-Garví, Antonio; Sánchez Salmerón, Antonio José(Springer-Verlag, 2022-06)
Spatial transform networks (STN) are widely used since they can transform images captured from different viewpoints to obtain an objective image. These networks use an image captured from any viewpoint as input and ...
Ricolfe Viala, Carlos; Sánchez Salmerón, Antonio José; Martínez Bertí, Enrique(Optical Society of America, 2012)
Camera calibration is a two-step process where first a linear algebraic approximation is followed by a nonlinear minimization. The nonlinear minimization adjusts the pin-hole and lens distortion models to the calibrating ...
Puchalt-Rodríguez, Joan Carles; Sánchez Salmerón, Antonio José; Martorell Guerola, Patricia; Genovés Martínez, Salvador(Public Library of Science, 2019-04-16)
[EN] Lifespan and healthspan machines can undergo C. elegans image segmentation errors due to changes in lighting conditions, which produce non-uniform images. Most C. elegans monitoring machines use backlight techniques ...
García-Garví, Antonio; Layana-Castro, Pablo Emmanuel; Sánchez Salmerón, Antonio José(Chalmers University of Technology, 2023)
[EN] In recent decades, assays with the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) have enabled great advances to be made in research on aging. However, performing these assays manually is a laborious task. To solve this ...
Ivorra Martínez, Eugenio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2011-11-11)
Se ha desarrollado una técnica de predicción de la frescura en productos alimenticios empaquetados y fileteados no destructiva utilizando la espectroscopia en el rango visible y del infrarrojo cercano de onda corta ...
Valera Fernández, Ángel; Juste López, Daniel; Sánchez Salmerón, Antonio José; Ricolfe Viala, Carlos; Mellado Arteche, Martín; Olmos Zaragozá, Eduardo(Elsevier España (Elsevier Doyma), 2012-03)
[EN] La integración de equipamiento y dispositivos en células robotizadas industriales con tecnologías de interfaz de Ethernet y dispositivos de bajo coste como sistemas de visión, cámaras láser, sensores de fuerza, autómatas ...
Wine quality depends mostly on the features of the grapes it is made from. Cluster and berry morphology are key factors in determining grape and wine quality. However, current practices for grapevine quality estimation ...
Layana-Castro, Pablo Emmanuel; García-Garví, Antonio; Sánchez Salmerón, Antonio José(Elsevier, 2023-04)
[EN] Pose estimation of C. elegans in image sequences is challenging and even more difficult in low-resolution images. Problems range from occlusions, loss of worm identity, and overlaps to aggregations that are too complex ...
García-Garví, Antonio; Layana-Castro, Pablo Emmanuel; Puchalt-Rodríguez, Joan Carles; Sánchez Salmerón, Antonio José(Chalmers University of Technology, 2023)
[EN] Performing lifespan assays with Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) nematodes manually is a time consuming and laborious task. Therefore, automation is necessary to increase productivity. In this paper, we propose a ...
Vicent Ferrando, Lluís(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-06-24)
El presente proyecto consistirá en el estudio de las condiciones técnicas para la implantación de un sistema automatizado, mediante técnicas de robótica y visión artificial, en una línea de envasado de producto, sirviendo ...
[ES] El presente proyecto tiene por objeto definir las condiciones técnicas para la
automatización de un proceso de apilado de esponjas, sirviendo de base para la
ejecución del mismo, dando cumplimiento a la legislación vigente.
Layana-Castro, Pablo Emmanuel; Puchalt-Rodríguez, Joan Carles; García-Garví, Antonio; Sánchez Salmerón, Antonio José(MDPI AG, 2021-08-20)
[EN] Automatic tracking of Caenorhabditis elegans (C. egans) in standard Petri dishes is challenging due to high-resolution image requirements when fully monitoring a Petri dish, but mainly due to potential losses of ...
Ricolfe Viala, Carlos; Sánchez Salmerón, Antonio José; Valera Fernández, Ángel(Optical Society of America, 2012)
To obtain 3D information of large areas, wide angle lens cameras are used to reduce the number of cameras as much as possible. However, since images are high distorted, errors in point correspondences increase and 3D ...
Ricolfe Viala, Carlos; Sánchez Salmerón, Antonio José; Martínez Bertí, Enrique(Optical Society of America, 2011)
Inaccuracies in the calibration of a stereoscopic system appear with errors in point correspondences between both images and inexact points localization in each image. Errors increase if the stereoscopic system is composed ...
Ricolfe Viala, Carlos; Sánchez Salmerón, Antonio José(Optical Society of America, 2011)
Different methods based on photogrammetry or self-calibration exist to calibrate intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters and also for data pre- and post-processing. From a practical viewpoint, it is quite difficult to ...
Ricolfe Viala, Carlos(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2008-05-06)
El procedimiento de calibrado de una cámara acaba siendo un paso necesario para la obtención de información 3D del entorno a partir de imágenes 2D del mismo. Existen diferentes técnicas las cuales se basan en fotogrametría ...
Verdú Amat, Samuel; Ivorra Martínez, Eugenio; Sánchez Salmerón, Antonio José; Girón Hernández, Lunier Joel; Barat Baviera, José Manuel; Grau Meló, Raúl(Elsevier, 2013-09)
A comparison between the techniques Time of flight (TOF) and Structured Light (SL), for in-line process, was carried out to determine the volume of several food types with different compositions, structures and dimensions; ...