[EN] In many areas of the world, dams and levees are built to reduce the likelihood of flooding. However, if they fail, the result can be catastrophic flooding beyond what would happen if they did not exist. Therefore, ...
[EN] Large dams are critical infrastructures whose failure could produce high economic and social consequences. Risk analysis has been shown to be a suitable methodology to assess these risks and to inform dam safety ...
Fluixá-Sanmartín, Javier; Escuder Bueno, Ignacio; Morales-Torres, Adrián; Castillo-Rodríguez, J.T.(American Society of Civil Engineers, 2021-04)
[EN] This paper presents a practical approach to adaptive management of dam risk based on robust decision-making strategies coupled with estimation of climate scenario probabilities. The proposed methodology, called ...
[EN] Failure analysis of the dam-foundation interface in concrete dams is characterized by complexity, uncertainties on models and parameters, and a strong non-linear softening behavior. In practice, these uncertainties ...
Zobal, Yevhen(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-07-08)
[EN] The main objectives of this project are analysis and evaluation of risks downstream the dam in India. It explains the meaning of risk model, determines the parts an architecture is composed of: loads (Season, day/night, ...
Mesa Galvis, Yuly Andrea(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-07-25)
[ES] Se realiza el análisis probabilístico y la evaluación del riesgo hidrológico de la presa de Playas, localizada al este de la ciudad de Medellín en el departamento de Antioquia (Colombia), construida en materiales ...
[EN] The proposed procedure combines the concepts of the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI) guidelines to develop fragility curves for the nuclear industry with existing reliability techniques for computing fragility ...
[EN] Dams are critical infrastructures whose safety must be properly managed. Traditional decision-making approaches often assume the stationarity of factors defining risk. However, dam risk is susceptible to evolve with ...
[EN] In recent years, risk analysis techniques have proved to be a useful tool to inform dam safety management. This paper summarizes the outcomes of three themes related to dam risk analysis discussed in the Benchmark ...
[EN] In recent years, the application of risk analysis to inform dam safety governance has increased significantly. In this framework, considering explicitly and independently both natural and epistemic uncertainty in ...
[EN] The use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SUDS) to manage urban runoff and contribute to environmental and landscape improvement is now widely known, but its application is still limited in many regions, like in ...
Fluixá-Sanmartín, Javier; Altarejos-García, Luis; Morales-Torres, Adrián; Escuder Bueno, Ignacio(American Society of Civil Engineers, 2019-01)
[EN] This paper presents a simple tool for the assessment of maximum overtopping probabilities of dams. The tool is based on empirical relations between the overtopping probability and the basic hydrological and hydraulic ...
Morales Torres, Adrián(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-04-18)
Large dams are critical infrastructures whose failure could produce high economic and social consequences. For this reason, in recent years, the application of quantitative risk analysis to inform dam safety governance has ...
Morales Torres, Adrián(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-03-27)
[ES] En este documento se presenta una herramienta para la priorización de actuaciones en seguridad de presas a partir de los resultados de un proceso previo de Análisis de Riesgo. Los resultados son analizados a través ...
[EN] Green roofs are one specific type of sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS); they aim to manage runoff at the source by storing water in its different layers, delaying the hydrological response, and restoring ...
El riesgo de inundación ha sido objeto de estudio desde hace décadas. No obstante, la complejidad del análisis a escala local requiere del desarrollo de metodologías específicas para el análisis del riesgo de inundación ...
[EN] Dam safety is increasingly subjected to the influence of climate change. Its impacts must be assessed through the integration of the various effects acting on each aspect, considering their interdependencies, rather ...
[EN] Dams as well as protective dikes and levees are critical infrastructures whose associated risk must be properly managed in a continuous and updated process. Usually, dam safety management has been carried out assuming ...
[EN] Risk analysis can provide very suitable and useful information to manage the safety of critical civil infrastructures. Indeed, results of quantitative risk models can be used to inform prioritisation of safety investments ...