Arevshatyan, Sipan; Burriel, Verónica; Boscá, Diego; REYES ROMÁN, JOSÉ FABIÁN; Pastor López, Oscar; Yoffe, Ita; Denis, Rita Mabel Concepción; Gauna, Cinthia Viviana; Sforza, Silvia; Ayala, Silvia Josefina; Martínez, María Teresa; Fleitas, Tania(Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, 2020-04)
[EN] Currently, data management in oncology department is complex and requires advanced Information Systems (ISs) to process data where "omic" information should be integrated together with patient's clinical data to improve ...
Burriel Coll, Verónica; Pastor Cubillo, Mª Ángeles; Celma Giménez, Matilde; Casamayor Rodenas, Juan Carlos; Mota Herranz, Laura(IARIA XPS Press, 2013-03-24)
[EN] The inefficient management of clinical data in
many research environments is a problem which slows down
the service provided to patients. The benefits of an Information
System created following the conceptual ...
Burriel Coll, Verónica(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-09-01)
Diagnosis, treatment and research about such complex diseases as breast cancer is an increasingly complex task due to the big quantity and diversity of involved data and the need of relating them properly to obtain relevant ...
Burriel Coll, Verónica(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2012-02-02)
La creación de un modelo conceptual que contenga información relacionada con el genoma humano y la carga de su correspondiente base de datos con los contenidos apropiados extraidos de bases de datos genómicas actuales, ...
[EN] Somatic mutation analysis and evaluation of microsatellite instability (MSI) have become mandatory for selecting personalized therapy strategies for advanced colorectal cancer and are not available as routine methods ...