[EN] We report herein the design, manufacture and use of a "humid electronic nose" prototype based on voltammetric techniques. It consists of an array of four working electrodes (i.e., Au, Pt, Ir and Rh) housed inside a ...
We report herein the design, manufacture and use of a "humid electronic nose" prototype. Its operation is based on the use of voltammetric techniques, and it consists of an array of four working electrodes (i.e. Au, Pt, ...
Bataller Prats, Román; Gandía Romero, José Manuel; García Breijo, Eduardo; Alcañiz Fillol, Miguel; Soto Camino, Juan(Elsevier, 2015-01-20)
A new definition for the electrochemical cell constant in conductivity measurements is presented in this paper. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and DC pulses measurements have been carried out in non-Faradaic ...
A humid electronic nose device based on pulse voltammetry has been applied to detect nerve agentsimulants in gas phase. The humid electronic nose consists in a polypropylene piece which containsan array of eight metallic ...
Ammonia (NH4 N) and orthophosphate (PO4
P) quantification in wastewater treatment plants is important
due to their implication in the eutrophication process.
A voltammetric electronic tongue as a tool for the
prediction ...
Ramón Zamora, José Enrique; Martínez-Ibernón, Ana; Gandía-Romero, Jose M.; Fraile Muñoz, Rubén; Bataller Prats, Román; Alcañiz Fillol, Miguel; Garcia-Breijo, Eduardo; Soto Camino, Juan(Elsevier, 2019)
[EN] Potential step voltammetry is used to characterize the resistive and capacitive properties of electrochemical systems. Within those systems, electrochemical processes are modeled by means of equivalent circuits (ECs). ...
In order to monitor the chloride penetration processes, a potentiometric embedded thick-film sensor
was developed. This paper includes the results of research on the characterization of Cl− sensors made
of Ag/AgCl resistive ...
Bataller Prats, Román(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-02-03)
The present project’s objective is the design of an electronic system for the implementation of electrochemical measurements: Cyclic Voltammetry, Variable Amplitude Pulse Voltammetry, Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy ...
Monreal-Trigo, Javier; Ramón, José Enrique; Bataller, Román; Alcañiz Fillol, Miguel; Soto Camino, Juan; Gandía-Romero, Jose M.(MDPI AG, 2024-09)
[ES] Presentamos un sistema autónomo que monitoriza de forma remota el estado de las estructuras de hormigón armado. Este sistema realiza un seguimiento en tiempo real de la tasa de corrosión de las barras de refuerzo ...
Bataller Prats, Román(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-10-13)
I begin this PhD thesis with an introductory chapter about electronic nose systems, where I describe the sensor system types, electronic nose types and the chemometric and measurement techniques employed in the development ...
Bataller Prats, Román; Campos Sánchez, Inmaculada; Laguarda Miró, Nicolás; Alcañiz Fillol, Miguel; Soto Camino, Juan; Martínez Mañez, Ramón; Gil Sánchez, Luís; García Breijo, Eduardo; Ibáñez Civera, Francisco Javier(MDPI, 2012)
A new electronic tongue to monitor the presence of glyphosate (a non-selective systemic herbicide) has been developed. It is based on pulse voltammetry and consists in an array of three working electrodes (Pt, Co and Cu) ...
Martínez-Ibernón, Ana; Ramón Zamora, José Enrique; Bataller, Román; Soto Camino, Juan(Instituto Interuniversitario de Investigación de Reconocimiento Molecular y Desarrollo Tecnológico, 2019-07-05)
[EN] The corrosion rate in metals is usually studied by means of the application a potential signal with the purpose of leading the system
to unbalance conditions, due to an electric current response is produced. This ...
Gandía-Romero, Jose M.; Ramón Zamora, José Enrique; Bataller Prats, Román; Palací-López, Daniel Gonzalo; Valcuende Payá, Manuel Octavio; Soto Camino, Juan(Springer Verlag (Germany), 2017-02)
Differences between the cell cross section and the electrodes area produce a heterogeneous
distribution of the electric field that causes a non-linear relationship between electric resistance and distance for low values ...
Ramón Zamora, José Enrique; Gandía Romero, José Manuel; Valcuende Payá, Manuel Octavio; Bataller Prats, Román(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-06-21)
[EN] Corrosion is one of the main triggering factors affecting the service life and durability of structures. Several methods are used for corrosion studies but electrochemical techniques are the most commonly applied. ...
Garcia-Breijo, Eduardo; Masot Peris, Rafael; Olguín Pinatti, Cristian Ariel; Alcañiz Fillol, Miguel; Ibáñez Civera, Francisco Javier; Bataller Prats, Román(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013)
The use of biomimetic measurement systems as electronic tongues and noses has considerably increased in the last years. This paper presents the design of a low-cost electronic tongue system that includes a software application ...
The use of a voltammetric electronic tongue as a tool to monitor grape ripeness is proposed herein. The electronic
tongue consists of eight metallic electrodes housed inside a stainless steel cylinder. The study was carried ...
[EN] The new tendency to detect adulterated honey is the development of affordable analytical equipment
that is in-line and manageable, enabling rapid on site screening. Therefore, the aim of this work was to
apply an ...
Ramón, J.E.; Gandía-Romero, Jose M.; Bataller Prats, Román; Alcañiz Fillol, Miguel; Valcuende Payá, Manuel Octavio; Soto Camino, Juan(Elsevier, 2020-07)
[EN] This paper presents a Potentiostatic Step Voltammetry approach to corrosion rate measurement of reinforcements in concrete. We have termed this approach PSV-TE since it is based on the Tafel extrapolation method, but ...
Voltammetric techniques (open circuit potential, linear polarisation resistance and cyclic
voltammetry) have been applied to study the corrosion of carbon steel in water. The study has
been performed in aqueous solutions ...
Escobar García, Juan David; Alcañiz Fillol, Miguel; Masot Peris, Rafael; Fuentes López, Ana; Bataller Prats, Román; Soto Camino, Juan; Barat Baviera, José Manuel(Elsevier, 2013-06-01)
Recently, electronic tongues (ET) have appeared as an excellent alternative to traditional techniques for
the evaluation of food quality and processes. ET systems are based on arrays of low selectivity sensors
that are ...