Environmental radioactivity monitoring includes the determination of radionuclides in foods since they are an important way of intake of radionuclides to the human organism. Moreover, knowledge of the levels of radionuclides ...
Bas Cerdá, María del Carmen; Ortiz Moragón, Josefina; Ballesteros Pascual, Luisa; Martorell Alsina, Sebastián Salvador(Elsevier, 2016-11)
7Be air concentrations were measured at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia campus (in the east of Spain) during the period 2007e2014. The mean values of monthly 7Be concentrations ranged from 2.65 to 8.11 mBq/m3, ...
[ES] El Laboratorio de Radiactividad Ambiental de la Universitat Politècnica de València
(LRA-UPV) participa como laboratorio de apoyo en caso de emergencia dentro del Plan Especial
ante el Riesgo Radiológico de la Comunitat ...
Bas Cerdá, María del Carmen; Ortiz Moragón, Josefina; Ballesteros Pascual, Luisa; Martorell Alsina, Sebastián Salvador(Elsevier, 2017-06-01)
[EN] Forecasting the 7Be air concentration is a target value in analyzing fluctuations that could reveal important information on the motions of atmospheric air masses. In this study we first propose a Seasonal Autoregressive ...
Bas Cerdá, María del Carmen; Ortiz Moragón, Josefina; Ballesteros Pascual, Luisa; Martorell Alsina, Sebastián Salvador(Elsevier, 2017-02-14)
[EN] 7Be is a cosmogenic radionuclide widely used as an atmospheric tracer, whose evaluation and forecasting can provide valuable information on changes in the atmospheric behavior. In this study, measurements of 7Be ...