Sanz Díaz, Ricardo; García Gil, Pedro José; Albertos Pérez, Pedro(Elsevier, 2017)
[EN] In this work, a generalization of the Smith Predictor (SP) is proposed to control linear time-invariant (LTI) time-delay single-input single-output (SISO) systems. Similarly to the SP, the combination of any stabilizing ...
Cuenca Lacruz, Ángel Miguel; García Gil, Pedro José; Albertos Pérez, Pedro; Salt Llobregat, Julián José(Springer Verlag (Germany), 2011-12)
This paper presents a Non-Uniform Predictor-Observer (NUPO) based control approach in order to deal with two of the main problems related to Networked Control Systems (NCS) or Sensor Networks (SN): time-varying delays and ...
Salt Llobregat, Julián José; Sala, Antonio; Albertos Pérez, Pedro(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2011-09)
An algebraic design via Diophantine equations of dual-rate regulators for linear unstable and non-minimum-phase plants, generalizing the well-known constraints for the reference model in single-rate systems, is presented ...
Chen, Yueling; Liu, Tao; García Gil, Pedro José; Albertos Pérez, Pedro(Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2016-05-16)
In this study, the problem of controlling integrating and unstable systems with long time delay is analysed in the discrete-time domain for digital implementation. Based on a generalised predictor-based control structure, ...
Vives Fuster, Javier(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-20)
[EN] Most industrial systems present time delays. In the case of MIMO processes the delays are different for each pair output/input. There are some algorithms in the literature to deal with the control design for these ...
Scaglia, G. J. E.; Serrano, M. E.; Albertos Pérez, Pedro(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-09-30)
[ES] En este tutorial se resumen las principales características de una nueva metodología de diseño de sistemas de control para el seguimiento de trayectorias en procesos no lineales. Esta metodología, denominada LAB (Linear ...
Simarro Fernández, Raúl; Albertos Pérez, Pedro; Simó Ten, José Enrique(Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2013-02)
[EN] A control system with distributed computing resources always should guarantee the safe control of the plant. In this contribution, the concept of control kernel is used for that purpose. Two types of nodes with different ...
Berna Ferri, Andreu(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2011-07-22)
En esta tesina, se presenta una nueva plataforma de tiempo real para el desarrollo y validación de algoritmos de control de vehículos aéreos no tripulados. Se dispone de dos plataformas un quad-rotor fijo sobre un eje y ...
Albertos Pérez, Pedro; Sala Piqueras, Antonio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2010-10-01)
[ES] En este trabajo se presentan las posibilidades que tiene la metodología de control basada en la lógica borrosa para integrar en el mismo marco un gran número de problemas de control. Junto a la posibilidad intrínseca ...
Sanz Díaz, Ricardo; García Gil, Pedro José; Albertos Pérez, Pedro(Elsevier, 2016-10)
In this paper, a new predictor-based control strategy for LTI systems with input delay and unknown disturbances is proposed. The disturbing signal and its derivatives up to the r-th order are estimated by means of an ...
Castillo-Frasquet, Alberto; García Gil, Pedro José; Sanz Díaz, Ricardo; Albertos Pérez, Pedro(Elsevier, 2017)
[EN] This paper presents an enhanced Extended State Observer (ESO)-based control strategy to deal with the disturbance attenuation problem for a class of non integral-chain systems subject to non-linear mismatched uncertainties ...
In this paper, the problem of estimating signals from a dynamic system at regular periods from scarce, delayed and possibly time disordered measurements acquired through a network is addressed. A model based predictor that ...
Del Río Rodríguez, Pablo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-09-14)
[ES] El presente documento recoge el proceso de diseño de un controlador para un dron basado en técnicas de álgebra lineal (LAB). Se comienza el trabajo con un breve estado del arte donde se exponen las características ...
This paper presents a local sensor fusion technique with an event-based global position correction to improve the localization of a mobile robot with limited computational resources. The proposed algorithms use a modified ...
Castillo-Frasquet, Alberto; García Gil, Pedro José; Fridman, Emilia; Albertos Pérez, Pedro(Elsevier, 2019-12)
[EN] This paper deals with the closed-loop stability of an extended state observer-based control for systems with locally Lipschitz uncertainties. Novel stability conditions are developed, in terms of Linear Matrix ...
[EN] The flywheel inverted pendulum is an underactuated mechanical system with a nonlinear model but admitting a linear approximation around the unstable equilibrium point in the upper position. Although underactuated ...
[EN] The problem of trajectory tracking control in mobile robots under uncertainties is addressed in this paper. Following the results of mobile robots trajectory tracking reported in (Scaglia et al., 2010), the problem ...
Castillo, P.; García Gil, Pedro José; Lozano, R.; Albertos Pérez, Pedro(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-12-02)
[ES] En este trabajo se presenta una estrategia de control no lineal para la estabilización de un helicóptero de cuatro rotores. El algoritmo de control se basa en el análisis de Lyapunov y en la técnica de las saturaciones ...
This paper presents a sensor fusion framework that improves the localization of
mobile robots with limited computational resources. It employs an event based Kalman
Filter to combine the measurements of a global sensor ...
Esparza Peidro, Alicia; Sala, Antonio; Albertos Pérez, Pedro(Elsevier, 2011-09)
This paper discusses the application of the virtual reference tuning (VRT) techniques to tune neural controllers from batch inputoutput data, by particularising nonlinear VRT and suitably computing gradients backpropagating ...