Pagan Castaño, Pablo; Piedrabuena Cuesta, Alicia; Castelló Mercé, Purificación; Ferreras Remesal, Alberto; López Urueña, Alejandro; Oltra Pastor, Alfonso; Ruiz Folgado, Raquel; Domínguez Morales, Monserrat; García Serrano, Fernando; García Hervás, Ana María; García Quismondo, Lucía(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2012)
[EN] The trade association, Confederación Española
de Organizaciones de Panadería (CEOPAN), and
the FEAGRA-CCOO and FITAG-UGT federations,
have promoted an initiative that, based on a
collaborative action between ...
Castelló Mercé, Purificación; Piedrabuena Cuesta, Alicia; Ferreras Remesal, Alberto; López Urueña, Alejandro; Oltra Pastor, Alfonso; Ruiz Folgado, Raquel; Vivas Broseta, María José; Valero Martínez, Marta(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2013)
[EN] The aim of Wood Ergo Good is to report of the
existing ergonomic risks in workplaces of the
wood and furniture industry, as well as of the
more suitable prevention measurements. This
iniciative, financed by the ...