Guasque Ortega, Ana(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-10-20)
[EN] The goal of this work is to provide schedulability analysis of a two-level hierarchical real-time system in which the scheduling algorithm of the global leve lis not known. Existing work suppose that the scheduling ...
Mesado González, Enrique(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-10-31)
[ES] El proyecto consiste en el diseño y construcción de un sistema de gestión de inventario de plantas en un vivero utilizando tecnología RFID (Identificación por Radiofrecuencia). El objetivo principal es mejorar la ...
Picazo Huerta, Raquel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-09-10)
[ES] El proyecto consiste en el diseño, implementación y puesta en marcha de un demostrador de una aplicación implementada mediante una arquitectura particionada. La propuesta de arquitectura estará basada en el uso de un ...
Guasque Ortega, Ana; Balbastre, Patricia(Institute of Electronics, Information and Communications Engineers, 2022-10)
[EN] In order to obtain a feasible schedule of a hard real-time system, heuristic based techniques are the solution of choice. In the last few years, optimization solvers have gained attention from research communities due ...
Aceituno-Peinado, José María; Guasque Ortega, Ana; Balbastre, Patricia; Simó Ten, José Enrique; Crespo, Alfons(Elsevier, 2021-09)
[EN] In hard real-time embedded systems, switching to multicores is a step that most application domains delay asmuch as possible. This is mainly due to the number of sources of indeterminism, which mainly involve ...
Ortega Ayuso, Clara(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-09-05)
[ES] Este trabajo consiste en el desarrollo de un sistema de alarma convencional sobre un sistema particionado basado en hipervisor. Los sistemas particionados permiten el desarrollo de varias aplicaciones independientes ...
Moreno Candela, Martí(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-10-01)
[CA] En els sistemes de temps real crític no poden produir-se errors, ja que estos es consideren
catastròfics. Des del punt de vista dels requisits temporals, això vol dir que cap tasca pot perdre
el seu termini. Per ...
Aceituno-Peinado, José María; Guasque Ortega, Ana; Balbastre, Patricia; Simó Ten, José Enrique; Crespo, Alfons(MDPI AG, 2022-05)
[EN] There has been a trend towards using multicore platforms for real-time embedded systems due to their high computing performance. In the scheduling of a multicore hard real-time system, there are interference delays ...
Aceituno Peinado, José María(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-03-28)
[ES] Los sistemas de tiempo real se caracterizan por exigir el cumplimento de unos requisitos temporales que garanticen el funcionamiento aceptable de un sistema. Especialmente, en los sistemas de tiempo real estricto estos ...
Aceituno-Peinado, José María; Guasque Ortega, Ana; Balbastre, Patricia; Blanes Noguera, Francisco; Pomante, Luigi(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2023)
[EN] Multicore systems were developed to provide a substantial performance increase over mono-core systems. But shared hardware resources are a problem as they add unpredictable delays that affect the schedulability of ...
[EN] Partitioned architectures isolate software components into independent partitions whose execution will not interfere with other partitions, preserving temporal and spatial isolation. Hierarchical scheduling can ...
[EN] In the scheduling of hard real-time systems on multicore platforms, significant unpredictability arises from interference caused by shared hardware resources. The objective of this paper
is to offer a schedulability ...
Guasque Ortega, Ana; Aceituno-Peinado, José María; Balbastre, Patricia; Simó Ten, José Enrique; Crespo, Alfons(Springer-Verlag, 2022-08)
[EN] In multicore scheduling of hard real-time systems, there is a significant source of unpredictability due to the interference caused by the sharing of hardware resources. This paper deals with the schedulability analysis ...
Guasque Ortega, Ana(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-01-20)
[ES] En nuestra vida cotidiana, cada vez más ordenadores controlan nuestro entorno: teléfonos móviles, procesos industriales, asistencia a la conducción, etc. Todos estos sistemas presentan requisitos estrictos para ...
Aceituno, José María; Guasque, Ana; Balbastre, Patricia; Simó, José; Pereira, Carlos Eduardo; Crespo, Alfons(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-22)
[EN] Multicore systems emerged as an alternative to traditional monocore systems. Although these systems possess high performance, they have more complexity. Moreover, their performance can be degraded because shared ...
[EN] Embedded systems used in critical systems, such as aeronautics, have undergone continuous evolution in recent years. In this evolution, many of the functionalities offered by these systems have been adapted through ...