Sanchez Fandiño, Javier Antonio; Muñoz Muñoz, Pascual; Doménech Gómez, José David; Capmany Francoy, José(Nature Publishing Group, 2017-02)
[EN] Meeting the increasing demand for capacity in wireless networks requires the harnessing of higher regions in the radiofrequency spectrum, reducing cell size, as well as more compact, agile and power-efficient base ...
Sánchez Fandiño, Javier Antonio; Muñoz Muñoz, Pascual(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2015-01-15)
[EN] Instantaneous frequency measurement receivers are a well-established technology that is used for the ultrafast characterization of pulsed microwave signals over a broad bandwidth. Recently, numerous photonic approaches ...
Doménech Gómez, José David; Sánchez Fandiño, Javier Antonio; Gargallo Jaquotot, Bernardo Andrés; Muñoz Muñoz, Pascual(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014-07)
In this paper, we present the design, manufacturing,
characterization, and analysis of the coupling ratio spectral response
for multimode interference couplers in silicon-on-insulator
(SOI) technology. The couplers were ...
Pérez-López, Daniel; Gasulla Mestre, Ivana; Capmany Francoy, José; Sánchez Fandiño, Javier Antonio; Muñoz Muñoz, Pascual; Alavi, Hossein(Optical Society of America, 2016-05-02)
[EN] We present a model to compute the figures of merit of self-beating Microwave Photonic systems, a novel class of systems that work on a self-homodyne fashion by sharing the same laser source for information bearing and ...
Sánchez Fandiño, Javier Antonio; Doménech Gómez, José David; Muñoz Muñoz, Pascual; Capmany Francoy, José(Optical Society of America: Open Access Journals, 2013-02-11)
[EN] We report the design, fabrication and characterization of an integrated frequency discriminator on InP technology for microwave photonic phase modulated links. The optical chip is, to the best of our knowledge, the ...
Sánchez Fandiño, Javier Antonio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-07-18)
[EN] Microwave photonics (MWP) is a well-established research field that investigates the use of photonic technologies to generate, distribute, process and analyze RF waveforms in the optical domain. Despite its great ...
Sánchez Fandiño, Javier Antonio; Muñoz Muñoz, Pascual(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013-04)
[EN] A numerical study of the impact that manufacturing tolerances have on the performance of an InP 4 × 4 MMI working as a 90° optical hybrid is presented, including simultaneous variations of width, thickness, and ...
Sánchez Fandiño, Javier Antonio; Muñoz Muñoz, Pascual(Optical Society of America, 2013-11-01)
[EN] A photonic system capable of estimating the unknown frequency of a CW microwave tone is presented. The core of the system is a complementary optical filter monolithically integrated in InP, consisting of a ring-assisted ...
Sánchez Fandiño, Javier Antonio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-07-08)
ES] El objetivo del presente trabajo ha consistido en diseñar un circuito integrado Fotónico completamente funcional, capaz de actuar como receptor de clase B en Un enlace fotónico de microondas modulado en fase. Esto ...
Doménech Gómez, José David; Sánchez Fandiño, Javier Antonio; Gargallo Jaquotot, Bernardo Andrés; Baños López, Rocío; Muñoz Muñoz, Pascual(Instituto de Telecomunicaciones y Aplicaciones Multimedia (ITEAM), 2014)
[EN] In this paper we report on the experimental demonstration
of a Silicon-on-Insulator opto-electronic wavelength
tracker for the optical telecommunication C-band. The
device consist of a 2x3 Mach-Zehnder Interferom ...
Pérez-López, Daniel; Gasulla Mestre, Ivana; Capmany Francoy, José; Sánchez Fandiño, Javier Antonio; Muñoz Muñoz, Pascual; Alavi, Hossein(Optical Society of America, 2016-09-05)
We develop, analyze and apply a linearization technique based on dual parallel Mach-Zehnder modulator to self-beating microwave photonics systems. The approach enables broadband low-distortion transmission and reception ...
Sánchez Fandiño, Javier Antonio; Doménech Gómez, José David; Muñoz Muñoz, Pascual(Optical Society of America, 2015-08-10)
Multimode interference reflectors (MIRs) were recently introduced as a new type of photonic integrated devices for on-chip, broadband light reflection. In the original proposal, different MIRs were demonstrated based on ...