Gude Redondo, Ruben; Rosa Mañez, David; Magraner Llavador, Laura; Garcia Belenguer, Ana Cruz; Sanchís Almenara, Mercedes; Fayos Sancho, Juan; Lopez Pascual, Juan; Gómez Herrero, Juan Alfonso(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2011-06)
[EN] The last 9th of February of 2011, took place in Madrid, in the headquarters of the CSD (Superior Council of Sports), the presentation of the Strategic Agenda of Spanish Sport Industry, as a result of the first year ...
Sanchís Almenara, Mercedes; Rosa Mañez, David; Magraner Llavador, Laura; San Jerónimo Ropero, Silvia; Matey González, Francisco José(Area de Innovación y Desarrollo S.L, 2011-01)
[EN] Maintenance of artificial turf pitches improves
their properties and increases the useful
lifetime. At the end of this time, the quantity
of material in a pitch is approximately 100
tons, which are carried to a ...
Sanchís Almenara, Mercedes; Rosa Mañez, David; Medina Ripoll, Enrique; Priego Quesada, Jose Ignacio; Magraner Llavador, Laura; Page Del Pozo, Alvaro Felipe; Gil Guerrero, Ines; Díaz Pineda, Jaime Alberto(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2011)
[EN] Companies are getting more and more
conscious of the importance of the end user in
the success of a new product. The user must
be included from the beginning (the design of
the product) to the end of the ...
Pérez Durbán, Victoria; Serrano Ortiz, Jose Francisco; Sanchís Almenara, Mercedes; Rosa Mañez, David; Magraner Llavador, Laura; Prat Pastor, Jaime Miguel; Victoria Ahuir, Jorge; Peris Serra, José Luis(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2011)
[EN] There are many difficulties associated with
the phases of life of a sport facility, from
planning to management. In this context, the
IBV provides strategic and technical support to
the different agents involved ...
Sanchís Almenara, Mercedes; Rosa Mañez, David; Magraner Llavador, Laura; Pellicer Chenoll, Maria Teresa; Garcia Belenguer, Ana Cruz; Ballester Fernández, Alfredo; Chirivella Moreno, Carlos; Garcés Pérez, Luis(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2012-06)
[EN] Currently there are installed approximately 25 millions of square meters of artificial turf for contact sports use in Europe (football, rugby, etc.). It means that at the end of their cycle of life 400.000 tones of ...
Pérez Durbán, Victoria; Serrano Ortiz, Jose Francisco; Valero Martínez, Marta; Magraner Llavador, Laura; Rosa Mañez, David(Area de Innovación y Desarrollo S.L, 2011-01)
[ES] A technical report specifying the
characteristics of viewing areas in sports
facilities for spectators with special needs will
be published soon.
Pérez Durbán, Victoria; Gude Redondo, Ruben; Magraner Llavador, Laura; Rosa Mañez, David; Matey González, Francisco José; Gil Guerrero, Ines; Pereira Carrillo, Ines Maria; Montero Vilela, Jose(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2012-06)
[EN] The Consejo Superior de Deportes (Sports Council in Spain), with the technical support of Instituto de Biomecanica of Valencia, has published a new good practice guide for sports facilities, that it is entitled From ...
Ortega Sánchez, Nicolás; Rosa Mañez, David; Magraner Llavador, Laura; Pereira Carrillo, Ines Maria; Gómez Pérez, Amelia Lucia; Giménez Pla, Juan Fernando; Tortosa Latonda, Lourdes; Garcés Pérez, Luis(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2011)
[EN] The Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV) inspects the
sports facilities of the state secondary schools
of the Comunitat Valenciana.
IBV carries out assessments in 372 schools
in total. Besides inspecting sports ...