[EN] A novel methodology is proposed for defining multivariate raw material specifications providing assurance of quality with a certain confidence level for the critical to quality attributes (CQA) of the manufactured ...
Palací López, Daniel Gonzalo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-07-31)
[EN] A software for the design and analysis of mixtures, with both classical methods (MLR) and PLS, will be
developed by using Matlab. Then, this software will be used to solve some real examples of mixture
problems using ...
Palací López, Daniel Gonzalo; Palací López, Jesús; Lopez Rodriguez, María Isabel(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-02-08)
[EN] The implementation of the Bologna process in Spanish universities, which has been active for a decade as of this academic year, facilitated the implementation of multiple teaching methodologies where numerous Information ...
Palací López, Daniel Gonzalo; Palací López, Jesús(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-04-10)
[ES] La reestructuración de los contenidos impartidos en las asignaturas que
forman los actuales planes de estudio ha dificultado, en buena medida, la
forma en que debería enfocarse el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. ...
Palací-López, Daniel; López Rodríguez, María(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-01-19)
[ES] La irrupción en nuestra sociedad de la COVID-19 ha supuesto un gran impacto en el campo de la Educación Superior, que ha necesitado reajustar y adaptar todas las actividades que intervienen en el proceso de ...
[EN] Latent variable regression model (LVRM) inversion is a relevant tool for finding, if they exist, different combinations of manufacturing conditions that yield the desired process outputs. Finding the best manufacturing ...
Gandía-Romero, Jose M.; Ramón Zamora, José Enrique; Bataller Prats, Román; Palací-López, Daniel Gonzalo; Valcuende Payá, Manuel Octavio; Soto Camino, Juan(Springer Verlag (Germany), 2017-02)
Differences between the cell cross section and the electrodes area produce a heterogeneous
distribution of the electric field that causes a non-linear relationship between electric resistance and distance for low values ...
[EN] This article explores the potential of Kernel-Partial Least Squares (K-PLS) regression for the analysis of data proceeding from mixture designs of experiments. Gower's idea of pseudo-sample trajectories is exploited ...
González-Cebrián, Alba; Borràs-Ferrís, Joan; Ordovás-Baines, Juan Pablo; Hermenegildo-Caudevilla, Marta; Climente-Martí, Mónica; Tarazona, Sonia; Vitale, Raffaele; Palací-López, Daniel; Sierra-Sánchez, Jesús Francisco; Saez de la Fuente, Javier; Ferrer, Alberto(Public Library of Science, 2022-09-22)
[EN] The clinical course of COVID-19 is highly variable. It is therefore essential to predict as early and accurately as possible the severity level of the disease in a COVID-19 patient who is admitted to the hospital. ...
Palací-López, Daniel; Borràs-Ferrís, Joan; da Silva de Oliveria, Larissa Thaise; Ferrer, Alberto(MDPI AG, 2020-09)
[EN] The complex data characteristics collected in Industry 4.0 cannot be efficiently handled by classical Six Sigma statistical toolkit based mainly in least squares techniques. This may refrain people from using Six Sigma ...
Monzón, Pablo; Ramón Zamora, José Enrique; Gandía-Romero, Jose M.; Valcuende Payá, Manuel Octavio; Soto Camino, Juan; Palací-López, Daniel(John Wiley & Sons, 2019-02)
[EN] There are few techniques available to calculate the corrosion rate (i(corr)) of reinforcing steel in concrete structures. This is due not only to a lack of instrumentation but also because it is necessary to take into ...
Palací López, Daniel Gonzalo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-01-14)
La presente tesis doctoral surge ante la necesidad creciente por parte de la mayoría de empresas, y en especial (pero no únicamente) aquellas dentro de los sectores farmacéu-tico, químico, alimentación y bioprocesos, de ...
Palací López, Daniel Gonzalo; Palací López, Jesús(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-04-10)
[ES] Una de las mayores dificultades encontradas por los estudiantes en
asignaturas de tipo cuantitativo en diversas asignaturas a nivel universitario
parece ser la asimilación y aplicación de conceptos matemáticos, así ...