Barbera Guillem, Ricard; Campos Soriano, Nadia; Bollain Pastor, Clara; López Torres, Miguel; Soler Valero, Andres; Tito Malone, Miguel; Poveda Puente, Rakel; Laparra Hernandez, Jose(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2013)
[EN] This article describes how older persons can
be integrated in the innovation activities
within the development of a mobile
application aimed at making the access to the
information society and promoting the ...
Ferreras Remesal, Alberto; Oltra Pastor, Alfonso; Poveda Puente, Rakel; Ruiz Folgado, Raquel; Bollain Pastor, Clara; Baydal Bertomeu, José Mª; Fayos Sancho, Juan; Gómez Herrero, Juan Alfonso(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2011)
[EN] This article summarizes the results of a
project aimed at promoting the culture of
prevention for employers and employees
about the specific risks that arise related to
the demographic changes that take place ...
Pagan Castaño, Pablo; Oltra Pastor, Alfonso; Poveda Puente, Rakel; Ruiz Folgado, Raquel; Bollain Pastor, Clara; Ferreras Remesal, Alberto; Garcia Molina, Carlos; Chirivella Moreno, Carlos(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2011)
[EN] In the coming years companies will realize
how age of its workforce increase due to the
age evolution of our society. In view of this
changes and with the objective of promote
health and quality of life as ...
Chicote Gónzalez, Juan Carlos; Soler Valero, Andres; Romero Hernández, Manuel; Dura Gil, Juan-Vicente; Macias Meseguer, Manuel; Poveda Puente, Rakel; Solaz Sanahuja, José Salvador; Bermejo Bosch, Ignacio; Bollain Pastor, Clara(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2011)
[EN] In the last years, new driving systems based
on joysticks are paving the way for people
with disabilities (tetraplegy, paraplegy,
muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis or
bifid spine) to enjoy driving adapted ...
Poveda Puente, Rakel; Bollain Pastor, Clara; Such Pérez, María José; Laparra Hernandez, Jose; Suárez García, Estela Soledad; Marzo Rosello, Raquel; López Vicente, Mª Amparo(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2011-01)
[EN] Providing user -friendly products and services
means meeting the needs of the people. IBV
advises companies on the characteristics
and requirements that every product should
fulfil under the person oriented ...
De Rosario Martínez, Helios; Avila Carrasco, Carolina; Fos Ros, Francisco; Medina Ripoll, Enrique; Castellanos Hernández, Wilder Eduardo; Bollain Pastor, Clara; Poveda Puente, Rakel; Morales Martín, Iñigo(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2013-01)
[EN] In recent years, the computer and video-games industry has created
new home-based, low-cost technologies for capturing human movements,
which make the combination of video-games and biomechanical
analysis a feasible ...
Suárez García, Estela Soledad; Laparra Hernandez, Jose; Fernández Palomo, Cristina; Sancho Mollá, Maria; Perez Morata, Laura; Gómez Hernández, José Antonio; Bollain Pastor, Clara; Guerrero Alonso, María Amparo; Poveda Puente, Rakel(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2011)
[EN] Performing a proper purchasing process is a
key process to ensure that a product or service
meets our needs, capabilities and preferences.
Otherwise, we can find products and services that
may hinder or even ...
Barbera Guillem, Ricard; Campos Soriano, Nadia; Suárez García, Estela Soledad; Poveda Puente, Rakel; Bollain Pastor, Clara; Herrera Conejero, José Luis; Puigcerver Palau, Sergio Antonio; Deotti Deotti, Stefano(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2011)
[EN] Innovation implies always complex processes, especially when these take place in new fields and evolve quickly. This is the case of social networks for the elder persons on Internet,
as well as the development of ...
DURÁ-GIL, JUAN V.; Laparra Hernandez, Jose; Poveda Puente, Rakel; Marzo Rosello, Raquel; López Vicente, Mª Amparo; Bollain Pastor, Clara(International Society for Gerontechnology, 2012)
Purpose The aim of this work is to establish a reliable methodology to test if a product is simple, practical, and user-friendly for the elderly. We pursue a twofold objective: (i) to respond to companies that want to be ...
Soler Valero, Andres; Suárez García, Estela Soledad; López Vicente, Mª Amparo; Peris Perez, Paloma; Poveda Puente, Rakel; Ferris Oñate, Javier Mariano; Sanchez Lacuesta, Jose-Javier; Bollain Pastor, Clara; Martínez Gómez, Laura; Zaragoza Martín, Rocío; Beyer, Stefan(Universitat Politècnica de València. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2012-06)
[EN] The project SENIORPLAY aims to establish the basis to develop games of high therapeutic and preventive value, which fulfill the specific usability requirements of older persons. The results of this research will provide ...