Ortiz-Ramón, Rafael; Larroza-Santacruz, Andrés; Arana Fernandez de Moya, Estanislao; Moratal, David(IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2017)
[EN] Brain metastases are occasionally detected before diagnosing their primary site of origin. In these cases, simple visual examination of medical images of the metastases is not enough to identify the primary cancer, ...
[EN] The current criteria for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease (AD) require the presence of relevant cognitive deficits, so the underlying neuropathological damage is important by the time the diagnosis is made. Therefore, ...
[EN] Objective To examine the capability of MRI texture analysis to differentiate the primary site of origin of brain metastases following a radiomics approach.
Methods Sixty-seven untreated brain metastases (BM) were ...
[EN] Introduction and objective
Music has been closely linked to medicine since ancient times, and has brought numerous benefits to the health of patients. Patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis (HD) ...
Giménez Arias, Carolina(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-09-04)
[ES] La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa que se caracteriza por un
deterioro cognitivo y conductual de inicio insidioso y progresivo de aparición en la edad adulta, y
que es responsabl ...
[EN] Purpose: To evaluate the potential of 2D texture features extracted from magnetic resonance (MR) images for differentiating brain metastasis (BM) and glioblastomas (GBM) following a radiomics approach.
Methods: This ...
Ortiz Ramón, Rafael(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-01-26)
El objetivo de este proyecto es el desarrollo de una herramienta software intuitiva asistida por ordenador y basada en MATLAB para reproducir las funciones de una histología virtual sobre microimágenes de Resonancia Magnética ...
Ortiz-Ramón, Rafael; Valdés Hernández, Maria del C.; González-Castro, Victor; Makin, Stephen; Armitage, Paul A.; Aribisala, Benjamin S.; Bastin, Mark E.; Deary, Ian J.; Wardlaw, Joanna M.; Moratal, David(Elsevier, 2019-06)
[EN] Background: The differential quantification of brain atrophy, white matter hyperintensities (WMH) and stroke lesions is important in studies of stroke and dementia. However, the presence of stroke lesions is usually ...
[EN] Background Engagement in exercise by haemodialysis (HD) patients has been shown to generate benefits both in terms of improved functional capacity and in the health-related quality of life. The use of non-immersive ...
The aim of this study is to develop a computer-aided intuitive software tool based on MATLAB to reproduce the functions of a virtual histology over Magnetic Resonance (MR) microimages of small samples of swine's infarcted ...
[EN] Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a complex condition representing a leading risk factor for death, disease and disability. Its high prevalence and severe health consequences make necessary a better understanding of the ...
Ortiz Ramón, Rafael(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-04-08)
[ES] En los últimos años, los investigadores han intentado explotar la información de las imágenes médicas a través de la evaluación de parámetros cuantitativos para ayudar a los clínicos con el diagnóstico de enfermedades. ...
Ortiz-Ramón, R.; Moratal, David(DI Europe Ltd, 2019-09)
[EN] The valuable intrinsic information contained in many medical images has been
under-exploited for too long. Now, new and rapidly developing technological
advances for the acquisition of high-quality images and the ...
[EN] Background Anxiety and depression are highly prevalent disorders among individuals undergoing chronic haemodialysis. For patients with kidney disease, the haemodialysis process often exacerbates these conditions. This ...
Ozturk-Isik, Esin; Marshall, Ian; Filipiak, Patryk; Benjamin, Arnold J. V.; Ones, Valia Guerra; Ortiz-Ramón, Rafael; Valdes Hernandez, Maria del C.(The Royal Society, 2017)
[EN] The high fidelity reconstruction of compressed and low-resolution magnetic resonance (MR) data is essential for simultaneously improving patient care, accuracy in diagnosis and quality in clinical research. Sponsored ...