[EN] The Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) fruit fly pest has been widely ecologically controlled by means of using attractant substances. This study supports the idea that a-copaene, a naturally occurring substance found in ...
[EN] Aims: The survival and ecological distribution of plants in arid habitats are mainly conditioned by water availability and physiological adaptations to withstand drought. In the present study, we have compared the ...
[EN] Increasing nutrient use efficiency of fertilizers is one of the major challenges to improve crop yields and minimize environmental impacts. This work compared the efficacy of a new ecological
polymer-coated urea ...
Gil-Ortiz, Ricardo; Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Atares, Sergio; Vicente, Oscar(MDPI, 2023-09)
[EN] Biostimulants' application to plants can reduce the damage caused by abiotic factors such as drought or salinity and improve crop yield under these stressful conditions. In this work, several biostimulants, namely ...
[EN] A general response of plants to high soil salinity relies on the cellular accumulation of osmolytes, which help the plant to maintain osmotic balance under salt stress condition and/or act as osmoprotectants with ...
Gil Ortiz, Ricardo(ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2010-03-01)
La familia Agromyzidae incluye las especies de dípteros minadores más importantes para la Agricultura. Se conocen 2900 especies en el mundo de las cuales cerca del 7% se consideran de interes agronómico. A pesar de la alta ...
[EN] Up to date, soil application of synthetic chelates is the most effective mean of controlling iron (Fe) deficiency chlorosis in many crops. The responses of three representative soils (I, II, and III) of a large orchard ...
Gil-Ortiz, Ricardo; Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Ruiz-Navarro, Antonio; Atares, Sergio; García, Carlos; Zotarelli, Lincoln; San Bautista Primo, Alberto; Vicente, Oscar(MDPI, 2020-09)
[EN] Fertilizer-use efficiency is one of the most critical concerns in rice cultivation to reduce N losses, increase yields, and improve crop management. The e ects of a new polymeric-coated controlled-release fertilizer ...
Gil Ortiz, Ricardo; Naranjo, Miguel Ángel; Atares, Sergio; Vicente, Oscar; Morillon, Raphaël(MDPI, 2023-08)
[EN] Micronutrients are essential to plants, and enhancing their availability is one of the agronomic challenges to improving crop quality and yield. This study, under controlled greenhouse
conditions, compares tomato ...
[EN] Presently, there is a growing interest in developing new controlled-release fertilizers based on ecological raw materials. The present study aims to compare the efficacy of two new ureic-based controlled-release ...
In their natural habitats, different mechanisms may contribute to the tolerance of halophytes to high soil
salinity and other abiotic stresses, but their relative contribution and ecological relevance, for a given species, ...
[EN] Thinning is a practice that reduces competition for available soil resources, thereby promoting vegetation growth and affecting soil, which is involved in important ecosystem processes. Soil quality is directly ...
Gil Ortiz, Ricardo; Lull Noguera, Cristina; Boscaiu Neagu, Mónica Tereza; Bautista Carrascosa, Inmaculada; Lidón Cerezuela, Antonio Luis; Vicente Meana, Óscar(University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, 2011)
[EN] Compartmentalization of toxic ions in the vacuole and accumulation of osmolytes in the cytoplasm is a common response of halophytes to high soil salinity. Soluble carbohydrates, such as sugars and polyols, are some ...