[EN] An additive-dominance, additive 9 additive (ADAA) and genotype 9 environment interaction mix model was used to study the genetic control of beta-carotene and L-ascorbic acid in six basic generations (P-1, P-2, F-1, ...
Castellanos Ruiz, José Antonio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[ES] España es el quinto país con mayor producción mundial de pimiento (Capsicum
annuum L.) para consumo fresco. Además, es un centro de diversidad de esta
especie, presentando multitud de variedades tradicionales adaptadas ...
Mohammed, Hayat Yasin(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-10-02)
[ES] En la actualidad, la demanda mundial de una producción de alimentos más sanos desde el punto de vista nutricional y respetuosos con el medio ambiente ha provocado una rápida transformación de la agricultura ecológica. ...
[EN] BACKGROUND: Tomatoes are an important source of antioxidants (carotenoids, vitamin C, etc.) owing to their high level of consumption. There is great interest in developing cultivars with increased levels of lycopene, ...
[EN] Wall rocket (Diplotaxis erucoides) is a wild vegetable with potential as a crop. Its seeds present secondary dormancy mechanisms that can become essential for the survival of wall rocket as a weed or in the wild. ...
Rosa-Martínez, Elena; Adalid-Martinez, Ana Maria; García-Martínez, María Dolores; Mangino, Giulio; Raigón Jiménez, Mª Dolores; Plazas Ávila, María de la O; Gramazio, Pietro; Prohens Tomás, Jaime; Vilanova Navarro, Santiago(MDPI, 2022-02)
[EN] The wild species Solanum incanum has been used as a donor parent for the development of a set of eggplant introgression lines (ILs), which are of interest for breeding for stress tolerances and relevant morpho-agronomic ...
Rosa-Martínez, Elena; García-Martínez, María Dolores; Adalid-Martinez, Ana Maria; Pereira-Días, Leandro; Casanova-Calancha, Cristina; Soler-Calabuig, Elena; Figás-Moreno, María Del Rosario; Raigón Jiménez, Mª Dolores; Plazas Ávila, María de la O; Soler Aleixandre, Salvador; Prohens Tomás, Jaime(Elsevier, 2021-09)
[EN] The study of the diversity within and between major Solanaceae crops (pepper, tomato, eggplant) is of interest for the selection and development of balanced diets. We have measured thirty-six major fruit composition ...
[EN] Wall rocket (Diplotaxis erucoides) is a wild vegetable with the potential to become a crop of high antioxidant quality. The main bioactive compounds include ascorbic acid (AA), sinigrin, and a high content of total ...
Cortés Olmos, Carles; Leiva Brondo, Miguel; Adalid Martínez, Ana Maria; Cebolla Cornejo, Jaime; Nuez Viñals, Fernando(International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), 2011-12-31)
Despite the increasing importance of the internal quality in breeding programmes and marketing of tomato, little information is available regarding organoleptic and functional profiles of traditional cultivars of renowned ...
Castillo Giménez, Andrea(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-10-06)
[ES] El tomate es considerado una de las hortalizas más consumidas en todo el mundo y con un alto valor económico. Su demanda ha ido aumentando con el paso del tiempo y con ella su cultivo y posterior comercio. Una parte ...
[EN] Modern Solanum melongena varieties have been developed to improve the content of phenolics, sugars, and nutritionally relevant minerals in fruit. However, fruit composition might be altered due to abiotic stresses ...
Guijarro-Real, Carla; Gramazio, Pietro; Plazas Ávila, María de la O; Adalid-Martinez, Ana Maria; Rodríguez Burruezo, Adrián; Prohens Tomás, Jaime; Fita, Ana(IATED, 2019-03-13)
[EN] An essential step in many plant breeding programmes is the morphoagronomic phenotyping of the materials that are being developed, using standardized descriptors or, when not available, as it is the case of new crops, ...
Guijarro-Real, Carla; Plazas Ávila, María de la O; Gramazio, Pietro; Adalid-Martinez, Ana Maria; Prohens Tomás, Jaime; Rodríguez Burruezo, Adrián; Fita, Ana(IATED, 2019-03-13)
[EN] According to the new market trends, one of the goals in many modern breeding programmes is the development of varieties with enhanced bioactive properties. Despite the importance of evaluating the content of specific ...
Adalid Martínez, Ana Maria(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2011-10-21)
Recientemente se ha demostrado la importancia de las vitaminas y carotenoides del tomate en la prevención de enfermedades degenerativas, por lo que resultaría de gran interés mejorar el contenido de estos compuestos en ...
Ramón Berenguel, Ricardo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-09-15)
[ES] El pimiento es uno de los principales cultivos hortícolas y tiene un elevado valor nutricional, además de ser apreciado por su sabor. En este trabajo final de máster se analizará mediante cromatografía liquida de alta ...
Guijarro-Real, Carla; Adalid-Martinez, Ana Maria; Pires, Cherrine K.; Ribes-Moya, Ana M.; Fita, Ana; Rodríguez Burruezo, Adrián(MDPI, 2023-01)
[EN] Peppers (Capsicum sp.) are used both as vegetables and/or spice and their fruits are used in a plethora of recipes, contributing to their flavor and aroma. Among flavor-related traits, pungency (capsaicinoids) and ...
Rosa-Martínez, Elena; Adalid-Martinez, Ana Maria; Alvarado, Luis E.; Burguet-Belda, Resurrección; García-Martínez, María Dolores; Pereira-Días, Leandro; Casanova-Calancha, Cristina; Soler-Calabuig, Elena; Figás-Moreno, María Del Rosario; Plazas Ávila, María de la O; Prohens Tomás, Jaime; Soler Aleixandre, Salvador(Frontiers Media SA, 2021-04-07)
[EN] The 'de penjar' tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is a group of local varieties from the Spanish Mediterranean region carrying the alc mutation, which provides long shelf-life. Their evolution under low-input management ...
[EN] BACKGROUND In recent years, the acreage used for organic agriculture and the demand for organic fruit and vegetables have increased considerably. Given this scenario, landraces, such as Capsicum landraces, can provide ...
Guijarro-Real, Carla; Prohens Tomás, Jaime; Rodríguez Burruezo, Adrián; Adalid-Martinez, Ana Maria; López-Gresa, María Pilar; Fita, Ana(PeerJ, 2019-02-01)
[EN] Background. Fool's watercress (Apium nodiflorum) is an edible vegetable with potential as a new crop. However, little information is available regarding the antioxidant properties of the plant and the individual ...