García Sentamans, Joaquina(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-09-02)
[ES] La Capilla de la Comunión de Algemesí, paradigma de las iglesias góticas valencianas que sucumbieron a los mandatos tridentinos, entraña una importante dificultad a salvar; la carencia de documentación.
La presente ...
Ferrandis Montesinos, José Vicente(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-05-02)
[EN] This thesis deals with the analysis of the urban development of the city of
Valencia through the study of its historic walls.
The study is presented from three complementary perspectives: historical,
architectural ...
García Sentamans, J.; Fernández-Plazaola, Igor; Ferrandis Montesinos, J. V.; Sáez Landete, A.(Silesian University of Technology, 2019-12)
[EN] The present paper deals with the examination and research to the vestiges of an ancient church discovered in the basement of the Algemesi Communion Chapel, dating back to the beginnings of Christianity in the city. ...