[EN] In this paper, several methods for the calculation of water quality evolution in drinking water distribution networks are analysed. The Lagrangian Time-Driven method has been implemented in the Epanet simulation ...
[EN] The analysis and simulation of water quality in distribution networks is a complex issue of great concern today. The analysis of the evolution of water age as a simple indicator of water quality in the network is of ...
Conejos Fuertes, P.; Martínez Alzamora, Fernando; Hervás-Carot, M.; Alonso Campos, J. C.(Taylor & Francis, 2020-09-13)
[EN] Digital Twins (DTs) are starting to be exploited to improve the management of water distribution systems (WDSs) and, in the future, they will be crucial for decision making. In this paper, the authors propose several ...
Cuñat Rausell, Celia(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-07-13)
[ES] A día de hoy, resulta imprescindible para el abastecimiento de agua potable de una población
disponer de un modelo hidráulico de la red, de manera que permita conocer el comportamiento del
sistema y analizarlo con ...