Vieco Pérez, Jesús(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-09-02)
[ES] En este proyecto trabajamos en el desarrollo de algunos algoritmos de aprendizaje
automático usados para entrenar redes neuronales, concretamente en la
implementación para ser ejecutada en las unidades de procesamiento ...
Jorge-Cano, Javier; Vieco Pérez, Jesús; Paredes Palacios, Roberto; Sánchez Peiró, Joan Andreu; Benedí Ruiz, José Miguel(ScitePress, 2018-01-29)
Since the beginning of Neural Networks, different mechanisms have been required to provide a sufficient number of examples to avoid overfitting. Data augmentation, the most common one, is focused on the generation of new ...
Vieco Pérez, Jesús(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-09-01)
The Unicode character set has been increased in last years until grouping more than 100000 characters. We developed a classifier which can predict the n most probable solutions to a given handwritten character in a smaller ...