[EN] Agriculture and forestry crop residues represent more than half of the world's residual biomass; these residues turn into synthesis gas (syngas) and are used for power generation. Including Syngas Gensets into hybrid ...
Águila-León, Jesús; Vargas Salgado, Carlos Afranio; Ribó Pérez, David Gabriel; Bastida Molina, Paula(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-04-10)
[EN] This paper presents the results of implementing the Flipped Learning Agile (FLA) methodology as a general framework to manage courses and to encourage proactive learning for students in higher education levels. Flipped ...
[EN] Microgrids (MGs) are widely increasing to manage unequal electrical load requirements based on the infrastructure. The goal of this article is to manage energy in a centralized controller multimicrogrid (MMG) system ...
[EN] A residential load management system equips smart meters (SMs) to measure load utilization at residencies. SM reports electricity usage based on electronic appliances. In this paper, a smart residential load management ...
Hurtado, E.; Mulumba-Ilunga, Óscar; Moros Gómez, María Cristina; Vargas Salgado, Carlos Afranio(Cogiterra Editions, 2017)
[FR] Le présent travail a consisté à analyser les impacts
économiques et environnementaux du changement
d¿utilisation dans les ménages de la ville Kinshasa en
République démocratique du Congo (RD Congo) du
foyer de cuisson ...
[EN] Cities are expected to be protagonists of the energy transition and, among other challenges, the decarbonation of the residential consumption could greatly benefit from photovoltaic generation in the built environment. ...
Alcázar Ortega, Manuel; Navarro Peris, Emilio; Villanueva López, José Felipe; Escrivá Castells, Facundo Alberto; Carlos Alberola, Sofía; Gómez Navarro, Tomás; Martón Lluch, Isabel; Payá Herrero, Jorge; Sánchez Galdón, Ana Isabel; Vargas Salgado, Carlos Afranio; Sancho Fernández, María Pino; Ortiz Bas, Ángel(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-10-28)
[EN] In 2015, the United Nations approved the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, which
has 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in many different areas. Within this context,
Universities should incorporate the ...
Björkvall, Simon(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-07-18)
[ES] El presente TFG se centra en pruebas experimentales realizadas en un Sistema de Energía Renovable Híbrido (HRES) , ubicado en el campus de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (LabDer). El sistema consta de un sistema ...
Reyes Tovar, Andrés Felipe(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-10-15)
[ES] En este trabajo fin de máster se han propuesto soluciones basadas en la naturaleza que ayuden a combatir el cambio climático, el efecto isla de calor urbano y el estrés térmico, en el marco del proyecto europeo ...
[ES] La educación universitaria está experimentando un proceso de cambio dinámico, desde un sistema de enseñanza tradicional hacia otro más flexible. En este contexto surge la metodología clase inversa, la cual comprende ...
Montuori, Lina; Alcázar Ortega, Manuel; Bastida Molina, Paula; Vargas Salgado, Carlos Afranio(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-02-08)
[EN] In the so-called society 4.0, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being widely used in
many areas of life. Machine learning uses mathematical algorithms based on
"training data", which are able to make predictions or ...
Chiñas Palacios, Cristian Daniel; Vargas Salgado, Carlos Afranio; Águila León, Jesús; Hurtado Pérez, Elías José(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-02-08)
[EN] Energy consumption has increased significantly over the past century, which
has brought several bad conditions for the environment. One way to reduce
these adverse consequences of energy consumption from Earth is ...
Vargas Salgado, Carlos Afranio; Montuori, Lina; Bastida Molina, Paula; Alfonso Solar, David(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-10-24)
[EN] Thermal comfort indices are normally used for assessing and controlling heat stress conditions in both: insides and outsides environment. In this paper, the results of the design and test of an Arduino-base prototype ...
Bastida-Molina, Paula; Alfonso Solar, David; Vargas Salgado, Carlos Afranio; Montuori, Lina(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-10-24)
[EN] Spanish electrical generation has traditionally included high pollutant energy resources, like fuel or carbon. However, disturbing ever-increase in the average temperature of Planet Earth has led to a search for ...
Rivera Marin, Adrian(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-03-02)
[ES] Las ciudades son responsables de más del 70% de las emisiones globales de gases de efecto
invernadero. Por lo tanto, es necesario evaluar el potencial de un área para lograr la neutralidad
en carbono para calcular ...
Vargas Salgado, Carlos Afranio; Bastida Molina, Paula; Ribó Pérez, David Gabriel; Alfonso Solar, David(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-04-10)
[EN] European universities are in the process of experimenting with teaching by applying the new learning model according to the Bologna plan, based on specific and transversal competences. Due to the old teaching model, ...
Escrivá García, Matthias Daniel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-09-22)
[ES] Este trabajo de final de master propone un nuevo proceso automatizado para la identificación paramétrica multilineal para la detección de anomalías en edificios. Esto es útil para edificios que funcionan con big data, ...
Chiñas Palacios, Cristian Daniel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-03-25)
[ES] La energía, la comunicación y la informática son componentes fundamentales de la sociedad moderna, ya que sientan las bases para el desarrollo tecnológico y el crecimiento económico. La estrecha interrelación entre ...
[EN] The extensive use of carbon-free energy sources is essential to achieving zero CO2 emission goals in electricity generation. But these systems are not yet used to cover 100% of the energy demand in areas with many ...
[EN] Costs of photovoltaic power systems have fallenover the last decade, while the energy prices have risen. As a result, this kind of system is being proposed as a cost-effective option for power generation in the built ...