This paper describes a scheduling algorithm that composes a scheduling plan which is able to predict the
completion time of the arriving tasks. This is done by performing CPU booking. This prediction is used
to establish ...
For current computing frameworks, the ability to dynamically use the resources that are allocated in the network has become a key success factor. As long as the size of the network increases, it is more difficult to find ...
[EN] In real-time Multi-Agent Systems, Real-Time Agents
merge intelligent deliberative techniques with real-time reactive
actions in a distributed environment. CBR has been successfully
applied in Multi-Agent Systems ...
[EN] This paper briefly introduces a summary of the
special session on Hybrid Reasoning and Coordination Methods
on Multi-Agent Systems, held in conjunction with the 4th International
Conference on Hybrid Artificial ...
Nowadays, MAS paradigm tries to move Computation to a new level of abstraction: Computation as interaction,
where large complex systems are seen in terms of the services they offer, and consequently in
terms of the ...
Paz, Juan F. de; Navarro Llácer, Martín; Pinzón, Cristian I.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Tapia, Dante I.; Bajo, Javier(Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy A - Oxford Open Option A, 2012)
Security is a major concern when web applications are implemented. This has led to the proposal of a variety of specifications and approaches to provide the necessary security for these environments. SQL injection attacks ...
Pinzón, Cristian I.; Paz, Juan F. de; Navarro Llácer, Martín; Bajo, Javier; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Corchado, Juan M.(Elsevier, 2011-10)
Security is a major concern when service environments are implemented. This has led to the proposal of a
variety of speci¿cations and proposals based on soft computing methods to provide the necessary security
for these ...
[EN] This study presents a novel Hybrid Intelligent Intrusion Detection System (IDS) known as RT-MOVICABIDS
that incorporates temporal control. One of its main goals is to facilitate real-time Intrusion Detection,
as ...
Navarro Llácer, Martín; De Paz, Juan F.; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier; Rodríguez, Sara; Bajo, Javier; Corchado, Juan M.(Elsevier, 2012-07)
This paper presents a planning model integrated within a TB-CBP-BDI real-time intelligent agent that
provides special abilities for planning in a predictable time, which makes its use especially appropriate
in systems ...
In this paper, we deal with the problem of real-time coordination with the more general approach of
reaching real-time agreements in MAS. Concretely, this work proposes a real-time argumentation framework
in an attempt ...
Navarro Llácer, Martín; Heras Barberá, Stella María; Botti Navarro, Vicente Juan; Julian Inglada, Vicente Javier(Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2015)
In this paper, we deal with the problem of real-time coordination with the
more general approach of reaching real-time agreements in MAS.
Concretely, this work proposes a real-time argumentation framework in
an attempt ...