Cortes-Lopez, Victoria; Barat Baviera, José Manuel; Talens Oliag, Pau; Blasco, José; Lerma-García, María Jesús(Elsevier, 2018-12)
[EN] The rapid and easy classification of almond varieties with similar morphology, different quality properties and, in most cases, different prices is interesting to protect both the almond industry and the consumers ...
Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Bas Cerdá, María Del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco(International Association of Technology, Education and Development, 2018)
[EN] Universities all over the world are implementing a competence-based type of teaching and learning to
guarantee certain student learning outcomes at the end of the studies. To reach these student
outcomes, active ...
Morales Padilla, María Monserrath(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-09-19)
[ES] La almendra es una drupa de semilla comestible, consumida y
comercializada en su estado natural o como parte de diversos productos
elaborados. Se distinguen dos clases de almendras: amargas y dulces. El
sabor amargo ...
Bas, María del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert(IATED, 2019-07-03)
[EN] The "Effective oral communication" is one of the most demanded student outcomes in the workplace, since being a good communicator is essential in any field. Inefficient communication can lead to misinterpretations and ...
Pérez Esteve, Edgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Bas, María del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-30)
[ES] Desarrollar el resultado estudiantil de "Comunicación oral efectiva" es una nueva estrategia dentro de los estudios universitarios, tanto en licenciatura como en másteres. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se creó la ...
Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Martínez, Beatriz; Bas, María del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar(IATED, 2019-03-13)
[EN] Effective oral communication is one of the most demanded student outcomes in the labour market,
especially for degree students on International Business. Although this outcome is usually evaluated in
several subjects ...
Quelal Vásconez, Maribel Alexandra(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-01-20)
[ES] El cacao es un producto de alto valor, no únicamente por sus características sensoriales, sino porque también presenta un alto contenido en antioxidantes y alcaloides estimulantes con efectos saludables. Debido a la ...
Quelal-Vásconez, Maribel Alexandra; Macchioni, Riccardo; Livi, Greta; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Talens Oliag, Pau; Barat Baviera, José Manuel; Agerlin Petersen, Mikael; Bro, Rasmus(Elsevier, 2022-09-30)
[EN] A total of 56 key volatile compounds present in natural and alkalized cocoa powders have been rapidly evaluated using a non-target approach using stir bar sorptive extraction gas chromatography mass spectrometry ...
Quelal-Vásconez, Maribel Alexandra; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Arnau-Bonachera, Alberto; Barat Baviera, José Manuel; Talens Oliag, Pau(Elsevier, 2020-01)
[EN] Variation in methylxanthines (theobromine and caffeine) and flavanols (catechin and epicatechin) was studied in a large set of cocoa powders (covering different origins, processing parameters and alkalisation levels). ...
Fernández Segovia, Isabel; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Fuentes López, Ana; Barat Baviera, José Manuel(Elsevier, 2018-09)
[EN] This work aimed to characterise four seaweed species: nori (Phorphyra), kombu (Laminaria), wakame (Undaria) and sea spaghetti (Himanthalia elongata). Their nutritional composition, total phenolic compounds (TPC), ...
González Prado, Rafael(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-09-17)
[ES] El cacao en polvo es la fracción obtenida tras la molienda de la torta de cacao. Éste
puede ser sometido a un tratamiento de alcalinización que le confiere diferentes
propiedades nutricionales y organolépticas. La ...
Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Bas Cerdá, María Del Carmen(IATED, International Association of Technology, Education and Development, 2018)
[EN] Among the different student outcomes that scholars should achieve during their University studies,
¿Effective Oral Communication¿ is one of the most important ones since being an excellent
communicator is essential ...
Cortes-Lopez, Victoria; Talens Oliag, Pau; Barat Baviera, José Manuel; Lerma-García, María Jesús(Elsevier, 2019-02)
[EN] Intact almond kernels (N¿=¿360, half sweet and half bitter) were analyzed using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) for the prediction of amygdalin concentration and to ...
Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco; Pérez Esteve, Edgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Bas, María; Lerma García, María Jesús(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-09-26)
[EN] The student outcome "Effective Communication" is one of the most studied competence in subjects of different degrees. An inefficient communication can lead to misinterpretations and wrong conclusions. Therefore, it ...
Vergara Gutierrez, Cintya Yannet(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-09-21)
[ES] En el presente trabajo se ha estudiado el impacto de la incorporación de aceite esencial de canela sobre la calidad del aceite de palma durante un tratamiento de almacenamiento acelerado, estudiando la composición ...
Portillo Liso, Diego(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-10-17)
[ES] El cacao en polvo es el producto obtenido de la molienda de la torta de cacao tras el prensado y eliminación de la grasa. Durante el proceso de transformación de la semilla de cacao en cacao en polvo se dan lugar una ...
Quelal-Vásconez, Maribel Alexandra; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Arnau-Bonachera, Alberto; Barat Baviera, José Manuel; Talens Oliag, Pau(Elsevier, 2019-05)
[EN] Cocoa shell must be removed from the cocoa bean before or after the roasting process. In the case of a low efficient peeling process or the intentional addition of cocoa shell to cocoa products (i.e. cocoa powders) ...
Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Bas, María del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco(IATED, 2019-07-03)
[EN] During academic course 2017-2018 the Comunica't methodology was created to help students to self-learn all the skills needed to master the areas of domain of the general student outcome effective oral communication. ...
Pérez-Esteve, Édgar; Silvestre Cerdà, Joan Albert; Bas Cerdá, María Del Carmen; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Matarredona Desantes, Nuria; Oltra Badenes, Raúl Francisco(IATED, International Association of Technology, Education and Development, 2018)
[EN] The ability to communicate effectively is an essential skill in today's world. Thus, a great effort is being done at the universities to help the students to reach this skill. In fact, in some universities, such as ...
Khemakhem, Ibtihel; Fuentes López, Ana; Lerma-García, María Jesús; Ayadi, Mohamed Ali; Bouaziz, Mohamed; Barat Baviera, José Manuel(SAGE Publications, 2019-03)
[EN] In this work, the effect of the addition of olive leaf extracts on the quality of vacuum-packed salmon burgers stored at 4? during 16 days has been studied. Olive leaf extract and its hydrolysate were initially ...