Albaladejo-Belmonte, Mónica; Mira-Tomás, J. M.; Villa-Muñoz, P.; Nohales-Alfonso, F. J.; Guijarro Estelles, Enrique; Alberola Rubio, J.; Garcia-Casado, Javier(Universidad de Valladolid, 2022-11-25)
[EN] Vulvodynia is usually associated with a hypertonic dysfunction of
the pelvic floor muscles (PFM), so surface electromyography
(sEMG) can be used to assist patient¿s assessment. Although
recordings are typically ...
Mira-Tomás, J. M.; Albaladejo-Belmonte, Mónica; Guijarro Estelles, Enrique; Villa-Muñoz, P.; Nohales-Alfonso, F. J.; Alberola-Rubio, J.; Garcia-Casado, Javier(Universidad de Valladolid, 2022-11-25)
[EN] Dysfunctions in pelvic floor muscles (PFM) are a highly
prevalent group of pathologies which critically alter daily life
activities. Surface electromyography (sEMG) of PFM has
emerged as a potential evaluative ...
Casero Guerra, Javier(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-10-01)
[ES] El dolor pélvico crónico (DPC) es una afección común que afecta a millones de mujeres en todo el mundo y es una condición debilitante que reduce la calidad de vida. Su causa es multifactorial, donde el síndrome de ...
[EN] Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a highly disabling disorder in women usually associated with hypertonic dysfunction of the pelvic floor musculature (PFM). The literature on the subject is not conclusive about the diagnostic ...
Albaladejo Belmonte, Mónica(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-07-31)
[ES] Durante el embarazo y el parto, la monitorización de la actividad uterina (AU) de la mujer permite
obtener información clínicamente relevante sobre el tiempo al parto y el bienestar de la mujer y
del feto. La presión ...
[EN] Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a complex condition with a high economic and social burden. Although it is usually treated with botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A) injected into the pelvic floor muscles (PFM), its effect ...
Buendía Galera, Anabel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-09-09)
[ES] El dolor pélvico crónico (DPC) se define como un dolor constante o intermitente que persiste más de 6 meses en el abdomen bajo o la pelvis. Esta condición afecta a más del 24% de la población femenina mundial. Una de ...
Albaladejo Belmonte, Mónica(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-01-26)
[ES] El dolor pélvico crónico (DPC) afecta a múltiples mujeres, teniendo un gran impacto en sus vidas, sin ser muchas veces diagnosticado ni tratado eficazmente. Un tratamiento posible consiste en infiltrar neurotoxina ...
Albaladejo-Belmonte, Monica; Tarazona-Motes, Marta; Nohales-Alfonso, Francisco J.; Alberola-Rubio, Jose; Garcia-Casado, Javier(Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, 2020-11-27)
[EN] Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a complex clinical condition that
affects many women, being sometimes misdiagnosed or
mistreated,which can be treated with the infiltration of botulinum
toxin (BoNTA). The pelvic floor ...
[EN] This study aimed to assess the electrical coupling between both pelvic floor muscle (PFM) sides (two-sided coupling) and within individual PFM sides (one-sided coupling) in chronic pelvic pain (CPP) before and after ...
[EN] The treatment of chronic pelvic pain (CPP) with botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A) has increased lately, but more studies assessing its effect are needed. This study aimed to evaluate the evolution of patients after ...
[EN] The studies carried out to date on vulvodynia treatment with botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A) have followed generic injection protocols and reported contradictory outcomes on its effects. The aim of the present ...
Albaladejo-Belmonte, Mónica; Prats-Boluda, Gema; Ye Lin, Yiyao; Garfield, Robert E.; Garcia-Casado, Javier(IOP Publishing, 2022-08-19)
[EN] Objective. The slow wave (SW) of the electrohysterogram (EHG) may contain relevant information on the electrophysiological condition of the uterus throughout pregnancy and labor. Our aim was to assess differences in ...