Blanca Postigo, José Miguel; Pons Puig, Clara; Montero-Pau, Javier; Sánchez-Matarredona, David; Ziarsolo, Peio; Fontanet, Lilian; Fisher, Josef; Plazas Ávila, María de la O; Casals, Joan; Rambla Nebot, Jose Luis; Riccini, Alessandro; Pombarella, Samuela; Ruggiero, Alessandra; Suli, Maria; Grillo, Stephania; Díez, Maria José; Prohens Tomás, Jaime; Cañizares Sales, Joaquín; Monforte Gilabert, Antonio José; GRANELL RICHART, ANTONIO(Oxford University Press, 2022-03-31)
[EN] The high phenotypic diversity observed among European traditional tomato varieties was created by traditional farmer-driven selection by inadvertently combining a very few polymorphic loci subjected to balancing ...
Blanca Postigo, José Miguel; Sánchez-Matarredona, David; Ziarsolo, Pello; Montero-Pau, Javier; van der Knaap, Esther; Díez Niclós, Mª José Teresa De Jesús; Cañizares Sales, Joaquín(Springer Nature, 2022-01-05)
[EN] A novel haplotype-based approach that uses Procrustes analysis and automatic classification was used to provide further insights into tomato history and domestication. Agrarian societies domesticated species of interest ...