García Quesada, Rafael(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2012)
En un momento en el que la Posmodernidad ha dejado detrás de sí un halo de relativismo en torno a la obra de arte¿ sobre su sentido y verdad, urge reivindicar el valor de lo artístico desde la misma obra ideada y no desde ...
García Quesada, Rafael(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2010)
[EN] The devised thing, the created thing, constructed
or the elaborated thing… is really different ways,
sometimes to only name, to those put space-temporary
entity in a “right there”... Perhaps there is no
more generic ...
García Quesada, Rafael(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-03-28)
[EN] To open chases in a wall, made of ceramics bricks, blocks or thermal blocks is, actually, a traditional locating system for installations. It is an expensive, slow, dangerous and destructive system prone to diseases. ...