Martín-García, Oscar José(Taylor & Francis, 2019-05-04)
[EN] Throughout the 1960s, Spanish students staged a strong opposition against the dictatorship of General Franco. Also during this decade, the U.S. Foreign Service in Spain began to pay great attention to these students ...
[EN] This paper examines how the Johnson administration implemented new public diplomacy programmes aimed at projecting a positive image of the USA among Spanish university students as part of the cultural Cold War. In ...
Martín-García, Oscar José(LOS LIBROS DE LA CATARATA, 2008)
1. LOS ECOS DEL DESCONTENTO (1966-1973) 23
1.1 La respuesta callada al subdesarrollo y al miedo. 24-31
1.2 El grito ahogado del campo. 31-43
1.3 ¿La banca siempre gana? 43-50
1.4 Villamalea, entre ...
Martín-García, Oscar José(Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses-Don Juan Manuel, 2006)
[ES] Este trabajo pretende ser un análisis de la crisis del franquismo y de la transición a la democracia en la ciudad de Albacete. El cambio de
régimen es siempre un proceso complejo en el que intervienen un buen número ...
[EN] A body of literature on Cold War international history has studied the influence of modernisation theory in United States
foreign relations with its authoritarian allies in the Third World
during the 1950s and 1960s. ...
Martín-García, Oscar José; Delgado Gómez-Escalonilla, Lorenzo(Berghahn Books, 2019)
[EN] The objective of this book is to analyze the set of external factors that intervened in the processes of educational reforms that took place in Spain and several Latin American countries during the 1960s and 1970s. ...
Martín-García, Oscar José(Muse - Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012-12-30)
[EN] From 1973 to 1977 the Western allies committed to ensuring a controlled
political change in Portugal and Spain. Although the end of the Iberian
authoritarian regimes has traditionally been approached by scholars as ...
Martín-García, Oscar José(Universidad del Pais Vasco, 2008)
[EN] During the 1970s the Franco regime had to face the extension of
thriving social and political unrest that, although it did not overthrow it, eroded
its dictatorial structures and set the political scenario in which ...
Martín-García, Oscar José(LOS LIBROS DE LA CATARATA, 2010)
[ES] El presente capítulo dentro del volumen "Claves internacionales en la transición española", analiza las relaciones entre España y Gran Bretaña durante los años finales del franquismo, con especial atención a las ...
Martín-García, Oscar José(Sílex ediciones S.L, 2011)
[ES] Este capítulo pretende analizar la contribución de los sectores católicos de base a la construcción de la ciudadanía democrática durante el franquismo final en la provincia de Albacete. Las páginas siguientes estudian ...
[ES] Este trabajo aborda la construcción de la ciudadanía crítica más como una conformación histórico-dialéctica en términos gramscianos, que como una componente inherente a la sociedad civil. Lo que consecuentemente ...
Martín-García, Oscar José(SAGE Publications, 2023-07)
[EN] In the early 1960s, Franco¿s Spain began to experience a rapid process of economic
growth, which was encouraged by US diplomacy as it would underpin the stability
required by the US defence program in the country. ...
Martín-García, Oscar José(Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, 2010)
[ES] La conflictividad social creció notablemente en los últimos años de existencia de la dictadura franquista. Como muestra de dicho incremento, los 144.345 trabajadores que fueron a la huelga en 1968 se multiplicaron, a ...
Martín-García, Oscar José(Cambridge University Press, 2023-04-19)
[EN] Cold War strategic priorities led the United States to establish an enduring military alliance with General Francisco Franco's dictatorship in Spain between 1953 and 1975. This article examines the educational diplomacy ...
Martín-García, Oscar José(Taylor and Francis Group, 2015-04-03)
[EN] This article examines the role that Harold Wilson's Labour government played in the democratisation process begun in Portugal after the military coup of 25 April 1974. As we shall see, British policy towards regime ...
Martín-García, Oscar José; Rodríguez Jiménez, Francisco J.(Cambridge University Press, 2015-08)
[EN] The United States' support for the Franco dictatorship, along with British dominion over Gibraltar, caused an increasing sense of frustration towards the United States and United Kingdom amongst broad sectors of the ...
Martín-García, Oscar José(Centro de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales, 2016-02-18)
[EN] This article analyses the influence of the theory of modernization on the formulation
and justification of the US foreign policy between the 1950s and 1960s. Such a
paradigm constituted the scientific frame from which ...
Martín-García, Oscar José(Universidad de Alicante, 2006)
[EN] This article aims to explore the nature and shape of the protest staged by banking sector employees in Albacete towards the end of the Franco period. To this end, we examine the interplay between forms of collective ...