Barambones, Carlos; García-García, Laura; Jimenez, Jose M.; Lloret, Jaime(Macrothink Institute, 2016-06-30)
[EN] One of the main necessities in IP networks is the lack of tools to test the performance of the network when it is already implemented. Network management tools are generally used when it is required to test what happens ...
[EN] The role of agriculture in society is vital due to factors such as providing food for the population, is a major source of employment worldwide, and one of the most important sources of revenue for countries. Furthermore, ...
[EN] The use of precision agriculture is becoming more and more necessary to provide food for the world's growing population, as well as to reduce environmental impact and enhance the usage of limited natural resources. ...
REGO MAÑEZ, ALBERT; Canovas Solbes, Alejandro; Jimenez, Jose M.; Lloret, Jaime(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018)
[EN] Multimedia traffic has drastically grown in the last few years. In addition, some of the last paradigms proposed, like the Internet of Things (IoT), adds new types of traffic and applications. Software-defined networks ...
Parra-Boronat, Mar; Parra, Lorena; Jimenez, Jose M.; Lloret, Jaime(Hindawi Limited, 2022-10-07)
[EN] Satellite imaging, a form of remote sensing, can be used to analyse water quality, which must be monitored for proper and sustainable environmental management. This paper studies the effect of a sea traffic reduction ...
Jimenez, Jose M.; Romero Martínez, José Oscar; Rego Máñez, Albert; Lloret, Jaime(IARIA, 2016)
[EN] Emulators and simulators provide an easy way to reduce hardware needs in experiments. Because of that, network researchers use applications that allow them to emulate or simulate networks, like Mininet in Software ...
Sendra Compte, Sandra; Ivars Palomares, Alberto; Lloret Mauri, Jaime; Jiménez Herranz, José Miguel(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-10-28)
[EN] In recent years, different universities with technical degrees are verbalizing the fact that the
percentage of women in technical or engineering careers is very low. In many occations, the
argument that the practical ...
Jiménez Herranz, José Miguel; Lloret, Jaime; Esteve Domingo, Manuel; Díaz Santos, Juan Ramón(The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS), 2004-07-21)
En los cursos de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones orientados a alumnos con estudios universitarios, se debe considerar en el aprendizaje métodos que permitan formar al alumno utilizando grupos de ...
Jimenez, Jose M.; García-Navas, José Luis; Lloret, Jaime; Romero Martínez, José Oscar(John Wiley & Sons, 2020-10-06)
[EN] In the past years, videoconferencing (VC) has become an essential means of communications. VC allows people to communicate face to face regardless of their location, and it can be used for different purposes such as ...
REGO MAÑEZ, ALBERT; Gonzalez Ramirez, Pedro Luis; Jimenez, Jose M.; Lloret, Jaime(Springer-Verlag, 2022-06)
[EN] Internet of Things (IoT) has introduced new applications and environments. Smart Home provides new ways of communication and service consumption. In addition, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deep learning have improved ...
Mateos-Cañas, Irene; Sendra, Sandra; Lloret, Jaime; Jimenez, Jose M.(Macrothink Institute, 2017-06-30)
[EN] The monitoring of natural environments is becoming a very controversial topic because people are more and more concerned about preserving and monitoring these natural spaces. The monitoring tasks are usually complemented ...
Sendra Compte, Sandra; Jimenez, Jose M.; Parra Boronat, Lorena; Lloret, Jaime(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-06-16)
[EN] University subjects trend to be very theoretical, while enterprise generally demands graduate students with
high practical skills. The major concern in remote teaching and online learning is the high trend to create ...
Tomás Jóver, David(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-01-10)
Este proyecto final de carrera consiste en la implementación de un sistema de calidad de servicio para redes de telecomunicaciones que implementen servicios de VoIP, con equipos Cisco, que son utilizados por la mayoría de ...
Lloret, Jaime; García-García, Laura; Jimenez, Jose M.; Sendra, Sandra; Lorenz, Pascal(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2021)
[EN] The remote location of agricultural fields leads to the difficulty of deploying Precision Agriculture (PA) systems as there is no Internet access in those areas. Therefore, the use of long-range wireless technologies ...
Rodríguez Zaurín, Alberto(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-10-15)
Creación de video clip no comprimido en HDTV. Elaboración de la secuencia de imágenes rtomando un número muy elevadode fotografías, para luego poder montar la secuencia mediante un editor de
Tratamiento posterior ...
The proper transport of hit sensitive products, such as fish and fruit,
is very important because their deterioration may cause the value lost and even
the product rejection by the buyer. For this reason, in this paper ...
García-García, Laura; Parra, Lorena; Jimenez, Jose M.; Parra-Boronat, Mar; Lloret, Jaime; Mauri, Pedro V.; Lorenz, Pascal(MDPI AG, 2021-03)
[EN] Deploying wireless sensor networks (WSN) in rural environments such as agricultural fields may present some challenges that affect the communication between the nodes due to the vegetation. These challenges must be ...
Jiménez Herranz, José Miguel; Díaz Santos, Juan Ramón; Lloret, Jaime(Internet Global Congress (IGC/INET2004), 2004-10-10)
Ante las necesidades formativas de los técnicos dedicados al mantenimiento de la red corporativa de una empresa con delegaciones en diversas ciudades españolas se ha
desarrollado un plan de formación integral que facilite ...
Jiménez Herranz, José Miguel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-09-10)
Esta tesis doctoral aborda el problema de la transmisión de vídeo, en sistemas de transmisión de televisión y vídeo bajo demanda en tiempo real y de videoconferencia, a través de redes IP, haciendo un énfasis especial ...
Rocher-Morant, Javier; Parra-Boronat, Lorena; Jimenez, Jose M.; Lloret, Jaime; Basterrechea-Chertudi, Daniel Andoni(MDPI AG, 2021-11)
[EN] In irrigation ponds, the excess of nutrients can cause eutrophication, a massive growth of microscopic algae. It might cause different problems in the irrigation infrastructure and should be monitored. In this paper, ...