Bonet-Aracil, Marilés; Carvajal-Endara, Elmer-Arturo; Bou-Belda, Eva; Gualoto Mafla, Fausto(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 2023-06-12)
[EN] The search for more sustainable and less polluting alternatives for the textile industry has led to exploring the use of natural and organic pigments for dyeing fabrics. The objective of this research is to analyze ...
Batista Dos Santos, Antonio Fernando; Vicente Palomino, Sofía; Yusa Marco, Dolores Julia; Fuster López, Laura; Gonzalez Martinez, Enriqueta(Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio de la UPV, 2008)
Yellow and orange colourants obtained from annatto seeds and turmeric rhizomes were commonly used in silk dyeing in Spain in the 18th century. Their optimisation, the knowledge from the results of their different dyes, as ...
Vázquez de Agredos Pascual, María Luisa; Batista Dos Santos, Antonio Fernando; Yusa Marco, Dolores Julia(Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio de la UPV, 2010)
The high quality of the annatto dye (Bixa orellana L.) and the plethora of products derived and used from this plant in Pre-Columbian and Colonial times are reflected in numerous etnohistorical writings that were redacted ...
Yusa Marco, Dolores Julia; Domenech Carbo, Mª Teresa; Vaccarella, Ivan Lucio; Batista Dos Santos, Antonio Fernando; Vicente Palomino, Sofía; Fuster López, Laura(Instituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio de la UPV, 2008)
Valencian historic textiles were commonly woven with coloured silks and natural dyes in the 18th century. The optimisation of analytical methods to extract and classify the dyes used is required to understand not only their ...
BONET-ARACIL, MARILÉS; Carvajal-Endara, Elmer-Arturo; Bou-Belda, Eva; Chávez Guerrero, Paola Alexandra(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 2020-06)
[ES] La nanotecnología se aplica para generar nuevas estructuras nanométricas; el objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar la
formación de un nanopigmento utilizando los colorantes carotenoides del Achiote (Bixa ...