Abohalfya, F.; Raphael, R.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2012-04-01)
[EN] A Tychonoff space X which satisfies the property that G(X) = C(Xδ) is called an RG-space, where G(X) is the minimal regular ring extension of C(X) inside F(X), the ring of all functions from X to R, and Xδ is the ...
Raphael, R.; Woods, R.G.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2006-04-01)
[EN] We continue the study of a lattice-ordered ring G(X), associated with the ring C(X). Following, X is called RG when G(X) = C(Xδ). An RG-space must have a dense set of very weak P-points. It must have a dense set of ...