Martí Espí, Miguel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-10-06)
[CA] En els últims anys, s'ha investigat i treballat a la utilització d'aplicacions biotecnològiques per a la restauració d'obres d'art, particularment en la neteja de pintures murals amb l'aplicació d'aquests bacteris ...
Márquez Costa, Rosa(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-09-07)
[ES] En el laboratorio se ha desarrollado una técnica para limpiar la superficie de obras de pintura
mural mediante la aplicación de bacterias vivas, proceso conocido como Biolimpieza, en donde
éstas eliminan restos de ...
Avogaro, Vittoria(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-10-05)
[ES] El presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster nace del interés en buscar alternativas no tóxicas tanto para los restauradores, como para la obra y el medioambiente en los procesos de limpieza de las obras de arte, centrando ...
Bosch Roig, María del Pilar; Regidor Ros, Jose Luis; Soriano Sancho, María Pilar; Montes Estellés, Rosa Mª(Teknoscienze Srl, 2013-01)
The article focuses on the Biocleaning of indoor wall paintings subjected to animal glue alterations applied in old restorations. The cleaning difficulties by traditional restoratoion methods make biocleaning strategy that ...
Bosch Roig, María del Pilar; Lustrato, Giuseppe; Zanardini, Elisabetta; Ranalli, Giancarlo(Springer-Verlag, 2014)
[EN] The use of the advanced biotechnology of microbiological systems for the biological cleaning of Cultural Heritage (CH) has been recently improved and optimized taking into account different factors. Biocleaning systems ...
Bosch Roig, María del Pilar; Regidor Ros, Jose Luis; Montes Estellés, Rosa Mª(Elsevier, 2013-10)
Microorganisms have been considered as causative agents of biodeterioration in multiple artworks. In this paper, we argue that microorganisms can be positively used for the cleaning of salt crusts otherwise difficult to ...
[EN] The first academic studies on the use of microorganisms in cleaning procedures appeared in the late 1980s/early 1990s. In the past thirty years, most of such studies have addressed the removal of nitrate and sulphate ...
Germinario, Giulia; van der Werf, Inez Dorothé; Palazzo, Gerardo; Regidor Ros, Jose Luis; Montes Estellés, Rosa Mª; Sabbatini, Luigia(Elsevier, 2017-09)
[EN] New and eco-sustainable methods based on the catalytic activity of lipases for the removal of acrylic marker pen inks were investigated. Different biocleaning methodologies were tested using lipases from different ...
Astorga Salgado, Nerea(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-09-24)
[EN] In the field of Conservation and Restoration, carriers are elements in which we place the solvent for subsequent
application to the object of intervention. Inert materials are typically employed in chemical cleaning ...
[EN] High levels of nitrate contamination of granite stone are a major problem, affecting large
surfaces of many historical monuments, particularly in the north-west of Spain. This study showed a comparison between different ...
[EN] Featured Application This work has developed an innovative and optimized in situ high dimension bio-desalination application protocol that has been applied for the bio-desalination of the 233 m(2) Conxo Chapel granite ...
[EN] Klebsiella aerogenes ATCC 13048 and Comamonas sp. ATCC 700440 (here identified as Comamonas testosteroni) have previously been shown to be good candidates for graffiti bioremoval, demonstrating in both immersion and ...
Potenza, Paola(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-04-01)
[ES] El presente trabajo final de Máster es el primer paso para asegurar un correcto conocimiento y uso de los productos NasierGel(N) para la limpieza de morteros de yeso y cal, facilitando a los usuarios la elección del ...
Olivares Martínez, Luisa María(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-06-26)
[ES] Este trabajo consiste en una revisión bibliográfica de las aplicaciones de las enzimas en conservación y restauración de bienes culturales. Se realiza con el fin de elaborar un documento útil que recoja la información ...