Ferrer-Gallego, Pedro Pablo; Merle Farinós, Hugo Basilio; Ferriol Molina, María; Garmendia, Alfonso(Facultad de Biología de la Universidad de Valencia, 2018)
[ES] Se propone una nueva combinación y cambio de rango para el híbrido marroquí descrito como Centaurea ×subdecurrens nothosubsp. paucispina ["paucispinus"] [= C. aspera subsp. gentilii × C. seridis var. auriculata] (Asteraceae).
Gamón Guillamón, Nereida(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-10-11)
Many naturally occurring plant species have evolved through mechanisms of duplication of their genetic content (polyploidization). These processes play an important role in adaptive and speciation evolution. The genus ...
Ferriol Molina, María; Garmendia, Alfonso; Benavent, David; Ferrer-Gallego, P. Pablo; Merle Farinós, Hugo Basilio(Taylor & Francis, 2021-05-04)
[EN] Centaurea aspera polyploid complex represents a comprehensive model. The aim of this short communication was to study the mating system of the three main species. The results showed that allotetraploid C. seridis was ...