Cardona, Jordi; Hernández Luz, Carles; Abella, Jaume; Mezzetti, Enrico; Cazorla, Francisco J.(Association for Computing Machinery, 2023-05)
[EN] The computing capacity demanded by embedded systems is on the rise as software implements more functionalities, ranging from best-effort entertainment functions to performance-guaranteed safety-related functions. ...
Andreu-Cerezo, Pablo; López Rodríguez, Pedro Juan; Hernández Luz, Carles(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2024-12)
[EN] Increasing the performance of safety-critical systems via introducing multicore processors is becoming the norm. However, when multiple cores access a shared cache, inter-core evictions become a relevant source of ...
Feliu Pérez, Josué(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-02-25)
[ES] Con el objetivo de mejorar el rendimiento de los CMPs, parte de la investigación reciente se ha centrado en la planificación de procesos para limitar la contención provocada por el limitado ancho de banda. Hoy en dia, ...
Guasque Ortega, Ana; Aceituno-Peinado, José María; Balbastre, Patricia; Simó Ten, José Enrique; Crespo, Alfons(Springer-Verlag, 2022-08)
[EN] In multicore scheduling of hard real-time systems, there is a significant source of unpredictability due to the interference caused by the sharing of hardware resources. This paper deals with the schedulability analysis ...
Aceituno, José María; Guasque, Ana; Balbastre, Patricia; Simó, José; Pereira, Carlos Eduardo; Crespo, Alfons(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-12-22)
[EN] Multicore systems emerged as an alternative to traditional monocore systems. Although these systems possess high performance, they have more complexity. Moreover, their performance can be degraded because shared ...