Fullana Alfonso, Màrius Josep; Arnau i Córdoba, Josep Vicent(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-07-15)
[EN] Following the line started in a paper pulished in the Mathematics Journal in 2021, some interesting numerical and computational techniques used in part of our research in Cosmology are now presented.
As remarked in ...
Degeneracy effects for bosons are more important for smaller particle mass, smaller temperature and higher number density. Bose condensation requires that particles be in the same lowest energy quantum state. We propose a ...
Campos del Pozo, Fernando(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-02-11)
[EN] Hybrid parallelization of AHF software (http://popia.ft.uam.es/AHF), a halo finder meant to discover cosmological structures analyzing the results of cosmological simulations. The software is already distributed using ...
It has been shown that black holes can be quantized by using Bohr's idea of quantizing the motion of an electron inside the atom. We apply these ideas to the universe as a whole. This approach reinforces the suggestion ...
From the equivalence principle, one gets the strength of the gravitational effect of a mass M on the metric at position r from it. It is proportional to the dimensionless parameter beta (2)=2GM/rc (2), which normally is a ...
Much work has been done taking into account the possibility that the gravitational {\it constant} $G$ may vary with cosmological time $t$ (or with the cosmological scale factor $a(t)$). In many of these works the speed of ...