Santiago Pinazo, Sonia(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2011-12-13)
Protocols do not work alone, but together, one protocol relying on another to provide needed services. Many of the problems in cryptographic protocols arise when such composition is done incorrectly or is not well understood. ...
Escobar Román, Santiago; Meadows, Cahterine; Meseguer, José; Santiago Pinazo, Sonia(Elsevier, 2014-11)
The Maude-NRL Protocol Analyzer (Maude-NPA) is a tool and inference system for reasoning about the security of cryptographic protocols in which the cryptosystems satisfy different equational properties. It both extends and ...
Acedo Arroyo, Josep Vicent(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-09-13)
[ES] La seguridad y transparencia de los procesos electores son la garantía fundamental de la voluntad popular. Sin ellos es imposible la construcción y el mantenimiento de la democracia. Las nuevas tecnologías van ...