Lacruz Jucht, Jesús Omar; García Herrero, Francisco Miguel; Canet Subiela, Mª José; Valls Coquillat, Javier; Pérez Pascual, Mª Asunción(IEEE, 2015-07)
A high-speed non-binary LDPC decoder based on
Trellis Min-Max algorithm with layered schedule is presented.
The proposed approach compresses the check-node output messages into a reduced set, decreasing the number of ...
García Herrero, Francisco Miguel; Canet Subiela, Mª José; Valls Coquillat, Javier(Springer Verlag (Germany), 2013-04)
A VLSI architecture for the generalized bit-flipping decoding algorithm
for non-binary low-density parity-check codes is proposed in this paper. The tentative
decoding steps of the algorithm have been modifed to avoid ...
Valls Blasco, Rubén(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-02-20)
[ES] La tesina pretende estudiar la viabilidad del diseño de un procesador de audio implementado en hardware, usando para ello dispositivos FPGA, así como la implementación de un decodificador MP3 que permita tanto la ...
Mascarell Català, Ferran(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-11-27)
The Low-Density Parity-Check codes (LDPC) have been included in most of the comunicaction standars
mainly due to two facts. First, their error correction capability is very high, making the data transmision rate
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