Valero Asensio, Manuel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-12-28)
[ES] El cambio climático que se observa con el paso de los años plantea restricciones en la utilización de agua y obliga al desarrollo de nuevas formas y técnicas de utilización de los recursos. Los retos más inminentes ...
INTRIGLIOLO MOLINA, DIEGO SEBASTIANO; Lizama Abad, Victoria; García Esparza, Mª José; Abrisqueta, Isabel; Alvarez Cano, María Inmaculada(Elsevier, 2016)
[EN] In the old-world viticulture, there is a common but most often not scientifically proven consideration that supplemental irrigation should detrimentally affect berry and wine composition. In the temperate-warm climate ...
[EN] Agricultural economics Water Programming Models (WPM) has found that irrigators in water scarce areas have a rather inelastic response to water prices, making water pricing cost-ineffective towards water saving. We ...
[EN] The knowledge of the crop response to soil water deficit is essential to predict the actual crop water requirements under limited soil water conditions. The mathematical schematization of the crop response under RDI ...
Alaa Mohamed Abdelfatah, Mohamed(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-02-17)
[EN] With the global water scarcity problem, the amount of water used by agriculture sector must be decreased
without affecting crop performance. Under this context it is necessary to have adequate knowledge about ...
[EN] Grasslands have a natural capacity to decrease air pollution and a positive impact on human life. However, their maintenance requires adequate irrigation, which is difficult to apply in many regions where drought and ...
Tasa Candela, María(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-10-25)
[ES] En el níspero japonés, los cultivares más precoces son especialmente rentables al alcanzar un mayor valor en el mercado. El color externo del fruto se ha establecido como el principal factor determinante de la época ...
Cortés Domarco, Víctor Nicolás(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-10-11)
[ES] Un dels efectes nocius del canvi climàtic és la falta de pluges a la conca mediterrània i conreus molt rendibles com eren les hortícoles industrials, cada cop són més inviables agronòmicament a la província de València ...
[EN] Water is an essential resource for food production, as agriculture consumes close to 70% of the total freshwater, and its shortage is becoming critical in arid and semiarid areas of the world. Therefore, it is important ...