Serra, L.; Sorel, M.; Alvarez, V.; Borges, F. I. G.; Camargo, M.; Carcel, S.; Cebrian, S.; Cervera, A.; Conde, C. A. N.; Dafni, T.; Diaz, J.; Esteve Bosch, Raul; Marí Romero, Antonio Francisco; Mora Mas, Francisco José; Pérez Aparicio, José Luis; Querol Galve, Marcos; Toledo Alarcón, José Francisco; Webb, Rachel; Yahlali Haddou, Nadia(IOP Publishing, 2015-03)
We report on results obtained with the NEXT-DEMO prototype of the NEXT-100
high-pressure xenon gas time projection chamber (TPC), exposed to an alpha decay calibration
source. Compared to our previous measurements with ...
NEXT, a double beta decay experiment that will operate in Canfranc Underground Laboratory (Spain), aims at measuring the neutrinoless double-ß decay of the 136Xe isotope using a TPC filled with enriched Xenon gas at high ...
Alvarez, V.; Borges, F. I. G. M.; Carcel, S.; Castel, J.; Cebrian, S.; Cervera, A.; Conde, C. A. N.; Dafni, T.; Dias, T. H. V. T.; Diaz, J.; Esteve Bosch, Raul; Marí Romero, Antonio Francisco; Mora Mas, Francisco José; Palma, R.; Pérez Aparicio, José Luis; Toledo Alarcón, José Francisco(Elsevier, 2013-04-21)
We present the design, data and results from the NEXT prototype for Double Beta and Dark Matter (NEXT-DBDM) detector, a high-pressure gaseous natural xenon electroluminescent time projection chamber (TPC) that was built ...
[EN] Xe-CO2 mixtures are important alternatives to pure xenon in Time Projection Chambers (TPC) based on secondary scintillation (electroluminescence) signal amplification with applications in the important field of rare ...